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Why Is My Everything...topic Locked?


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Why is my "Everything Catholic here" topic locked?


Anyway I just addedd this to the blog, to the perfect and hidden possession part of the blog. Some people may not understand what St. Padre Pio was trying to say.

And I will respond to anti-charity posts there once the topic is ulocked.


"Remember this forever; it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since this shows that he is not inside your will”. St. Padre Pio
The will is the the appetite of all powers of the soul: perverted powers tend towards that which is opposed to God. So, if the demon has managed to make you consent to grave sin; he has made you lose GRACE. Once grace is lost (infused virtues are lost) the will easily consents to temptation, word ideologies and slavery to the flesh. And in this way we can say that the demon does not try to enter (temptation) inside your conscience anymore, he has already done so for the will has consented. Memory and imagination are easily moved to sin, judgment is formed, fear of human opinion makes the soul fearfull and inactive and the devil does not do much shouting or roaring around your conscience anymore since you belong to him already.  
And as St . John Vianney said:
The devil only tempts those souls that wish to abandon sin and those that are in a state of grace. The others belong to him; he has no need to tempt them. 
St. John Vianney 
The greatest of all evils is not to be tempted, because there are then grounds for believing that the devil looks upon us as his property.

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Why is my "Everything Catholic here" topic locked?


Because the time has come, to talk of other things: Of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax, Of cabbages, and kings, And why the sea is boiling hot, And whether pigs have wings.

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Basilisa Marie

To quote the mod that locked it:




I have a headache trying to decipher the posts .... but I do know that Maria Valtoria's stuff is questionable. Closing the thread for now (reserving the right to reopen it) 



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I think the biggest thing probably has to do with your stuff about Maria Valtorta, as she has been officially condemned.


Actually she is not. Aprroved by 8 Bishops and Bishop is the Chruch not an index of forbidden books on which even St. Faustina was placed.

See defense of Valtorta: http://catholicguidance.blogspot.ca/

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I think my iris just changed color


Not a problem, as long as your will does not change direction towards sarcasm and mocking, you are fine. Once you consent,.... would be dangerous. Venial sin completely weakens grace. They are the offshoots of pride.

Edited by Julian
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To quote the mod that locked it:



Ok. open it or not, don't care anymore. Changing my direction and efforts. Jesus ordered me not to throw pears to pigs and dogs.

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Ok. open it or not, don't care anymore. Changing my direction and efforts. Jesus ordered me not to throw pears to pigs and dogs.


But I like pears. 

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I think the biggest thing probably has to do with your stuff about Maria Valtorta, as she has been officially condemned.


Curiouser and curiouser, what was she condemned for, or rather what was it that she wrote or believed that was condemned? Pope Pius XII seemed to like her book very much, but there seems to be an issue with whether or not her book, the Poem of the Man-God, comes from a supernatural force or just a natural one.

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Curiouser and curiouser, what was she condemned for, or rather what was it that she wrote or believed that was condemned? Pope Pius XII seemed to like her book very much, but there seems to be an issue with whether or not her book, the Poem of the Man-God, comes from a supernatural force or just a natural one.

In spite of Pius XII's reserved approval, I understand that the book was put on the Index under Cardinal Ottaviani shortly afterwards, and Pius never disputed their findings. It was only the abolition of the Index that caused people to look at it differently.

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Actually she is not. Aprroved by 8 Bishops and Bishop is the Chruch not an index of forbidden books on which even St. Faustina was placed.

See defense of Valtorta: http://catholicguidance.blogspot.ca/


Actually, it appears she is.  A quick google search to more trusted websites reveal that her work had been placed on the forbidden books and that no less than Ratzinger himself has given clear guidance to Bishop's that her work has no supernatural origin.






Faustina's work being placed on the forbidden books list was the result of poor translations from Polish during the cold war.  That's not the case for Maria Valtorta, whose native language and work was Italian

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Curiouser and curiouser, what was she condemned for, or rather what was it that she wrote or believed that was condemned? Pope Pius XII seemed to like her book very much, but there seems to be an issue with whether or not her book, the Poem of the Man-God, comes from a supernatural force or just a natural one.



Jesus gave a standard by which to judge.......by the fruits...not pears. Spiritual fruits in this case would be conversions, conversions, conversions or strengthening of the Faith. Just in my family there have been a few of them attributed to Valtorta. There is few people who became priests because of her writings. I watched few people giving their testimonies and conversion experiences on YouTube. I never heard a testimony of someone leaving the Faith because of Valtorta. That's ridiculous. Even if you read one page of Valtorta there is something divine, good and right about them; hence even high Church officials and scholars give positive opinions. Positive opinion means also no DOGMATIC or MORAL errors.  Read one page of Valtorta and listen to your Church sermons in N. America and Europe and watch how Catholics dress, behave and live their Faith in these region particularly. Talk about collective possession of conscience; Paganism, they have been converted back to paganism. Remember even saints talk about this False Church and false church does not come to existence if it does not have false Catholics, false Christians, Modernists I guess.


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