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Discussing Abortion W/ Potential Significant Others


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Still, there's over a million abortions a year in America alone, and statistically over one in four American women has at least one abortion by the end of their fertile years.


So, while most people don't see abortion as being a desirable thing in itself, the reality of abortion is not confined to the wacko fringe.  There are many real circumstances in which life is not the easy choice.


So while not every "pro-choicer" will be want to have an abortion, I think it's best to be on the safe side and date those who share your moral views.


Also, contraception will be a real issue you have to decide in marriage.  If you take the Church's teachings on contraception seriously, and your spouse does not, or disagrees with them, there will be real problems.  I think it goes without saying that anyone okay with abortion will also be okay with contraception, and probably expect to use it.

fair point, of course.  I guess I had in mind people I know in my family who basically have DPLS--democratic-party-loyalty-syndrome (a condition closely related to RPLS ;) :P :smokey:) whose pro-choice positions clearly begin and end with what they think the laws should be and do not in any way extend to personal values.  sure, that's a hypocritical position, but there are people out there who do really and truly fall into that category which is why I'd not be so quick to disqualify someone on that basis.  anyway, fair point that I was coming across as way over-estimating what percentage of pro-choice ppl that would be.

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I was watching the March of Life on TV today and thought if you wanted to find a nice Pro-Life girl that might be the kind of event you want to attend and get involved with.  Certainly seemed to be a number of eligible and attractive ladies in attendance and there's at least one conversation you'd have out of the way. 

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I was watching the March of Life on TV today and thought if you wanted to find a nice Pro-Life girl that might be the kind of event you want to attend and get involved with.  Certainly seemed to be a number of eligible and attractive ladies in attendance and there's at least one conversation you'd have out of the way. 


That sounds like a good idea.  I have always wanted to go to a rally like that.  I have been busy with a lot of stuff in my personal life, but I do want to make time for that eventually.  Could be an interesting place to meet people.

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The thing that still an still find hard to believe is the argument the life does not begin at conception.
Rather according to woman's right activist life begins at 40 forty weeks
It's law in this country that you can end a pregnancy by abortion right up to the day before birth

How can that be?

If this lie is true then it would not be wrong to terminate a premature infant ???

Each year, nearly 500,000 babies are premature, or preemies. That's 1 of every 8 infants born in the United States. A premature birth is when a baby is born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks.

Important growth and development occur throughout pregnancy - especially in the final months and weeks. Because they are born too early, preemies weigh much less than full-term babies. They may have health problems because their organs did not have enough time to develop. Preemies need special medical care in a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU. They stay there until their organ systems can work on their own.

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i don't know how you approach this personally, and i'm sure you're most likely looking for a GCG, but if you ever need pointers on talking to people about abortion without religious overtones, look up Secular Pro-Life, they have great resources from a non-religious POV. :) 

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It depends on the particular beliefs. Abortion is a big enough hot-button issue that I see how it might make two people incompatible if they believe opposite things about it. It's easier to handle if the pro-life person is the woman, as it doesn't matter what the husband thinks about having a baby, he can't literally force you to have an abortion. However, I wouldn't be able to marry a woman who is pro-choice, because I couldn't risk her aborting a child. However, it would depend on if she was one of the people that doesn't agree with it personally but doesn't think she should impose her beliefs on others, or if she literally would have no problem having an abortion herself. In the former, if I loved her and was truly serious about her, I would make it work. In the latter, I wouldn't be able to risk it. Just my opinion on the matter.


Futurepriest, is that really you in your avatar pic?


in general i strongly suggest bringing up prematital relations, contraception, and abortion at the soonest reasonable chance. because most young catholics do these things, sadly, and for many, it IS a dealbreaker - for both parties. plus, you know if premarital relations is not on the cards, you are both looking for a potential marital partner with marriage in the next year or two. so you are on the same page, and not just being make out buddies

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Futurepriest, is that really you in your avatar pic?


in general i strongly suggest bringing up prematital relations, contraception, and abortion at the soonest reasonable chance. because most young catholics do these things, sadly, and for many, it IS a dealbreaker - for both parties. plus, you know if premarital relations is not on the cards, you are both looking for a potential marital partner with marriage in the next year or two. so you are on the same page, and not just being make out buddies


Thanks for the input.  I agree that there are many catholic youth who do those things regardless.  It's not enough to ask if someone is catholic because they could say yes, while being a fake catholic in reality.  I will definitely discuss the issue as soon as possible so I'm not wasting time with anyone.

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