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I Think This Is The Beginning Of A Beautiful Phriendship...

Ancilla Domini

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Ancilla Domini

3,450,931 props for posting Mr. Stewart.


If anyone makes another version of Harvey, I'll sue him. XD It is impossible for Elwood P. Dowd to be played by anyone but Jimmy Stewart.



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Credo in Deum

Have any of you ever seen "Barabbas," with Anthony Quinn? It's such a fantastic movie!


I also liked him in "The Shoes of the Fisherman."

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Ancilla Domini

"Another darkness was closing in as surely, when the church bells, then ringing pleasantly in many an airy steeple over France, should be melted into thundering cannon; when the military drums should be beating to drown a wretched voice, that night all potent as the voice of Power and Plenty, Freedom and Life. So much was closing in about the women who sat knitting, knitting, that they their very selves were closing in around a structure yet unbuilt, where they were to sit knitting, knitting, counting dropping heads."

– A Tale of Two Cities

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So, at first you thought this was the beginning of a beautiful phriendship. What do you think now?

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Ancilla Domini

So, at first you thought this was the beginning of a beautiful phriendship. What do you think now?


I think that all together, we make a considerable individual. XD

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Spem in alium



:woot:  :w00t:  :eek:





She was so gorgeously expressive!




And as a sidenote, DAME JOAN SUTHERLAND! She was seriously from another world! 




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But best of all........






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Ancilla Domini

This is a beautiful prayer said by the bishop over a newly-dubbed knight, in the medieval ages.


O Lord, omnipotent father, eternal God, who alone establish and lawfully rule the order of all things: who to put down the malice of reprobates and to defend justice have, by your beneficent disposition, permitted men on earth the use of the sword, and have willed to institute a Chivalric Order for the protection of the people: and who said by way of the blessed John to the soldiers who came to him n the desert that they should do violence to no man, but be content with their pay: we humbly pray that, just as you granted to your child David the power to vanquish Goliath, and as you caused Judas Machabeus to triumph over the nations who did not call upon your name, so grant, through your heavenly bounty, to this your servant, who comes as a new recruit to put his neck under the military yoke, the power and valor to defend the faith and justice, increase in him faith, hope and charity, the fear as well as the love of God, humility, perseverance, obedience and good patience, and direct him lawfully in all things, so that he will never injure anyone unjustly with this or any other sword, and so that he will defend with it all just and lawful causes, and so that, just as he is raised from an inferior station to the new honor of chivalry, so, putting off the old man with this deeds, he will put on the new man, to fear you and render you just worship, to avoid the society of the wicked, to pour out his charity upon his neighbor, to obey the articles of his oath lawfully in all things, and to fulfill his office justly at all times. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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