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Republicans And The Environment


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Why are so many republicans against the environment, and favor industrialization and destruction of ecosystems, and make fun of people who take a moral objection to that? I'm conservative economically, but I am adamantly pro-environment and pro-conservation. People don't consider me a real conservative and think I'm a liberal hippie because I don't favor killing ecosystems for money and believe in climate change (Climate change doesn't mean it's going to get super hot, which is why the polar vortex (something that happens all the time every single year) doesn't disprove it in the slightest).

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Big rich oil companies that profit off oil sales dont want us to switch to altrnate fuel sources because they will lose money. They pay politicians off to deny it and tell the sheep its all poo.

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Big rich oil companies that profit off oil sales dont want us to switch to altrnate fuel sources because they will lose money. They pay politicians off to deny it and tell the sheep its all poo.


That is literally my job description.


That, and poisoning water wells. 

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Big rich oil companies that profit off oil sales dont want us to switch to altrnate fuel sources because they will lose money. They pay politicians off to deny it and tell the sheep its all poo.


I love how people say "Alaska has the resources to power America for over 200 years!" Yes, it does. But don't they realize how adversely it would affect the environment if we took all of its resources?

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Also its sad that one idea is always tied to something else. If you believe one conservative thing all of a sudden you have to believe all he other conservative things or else you are called names. Sad day

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Big rich oil PHARMA companies that profit off oil  drug sales dont want us to switch to altrnate fuel medicine sources because they will lose money. They pay politicians off to deny it and tell the sheep its all poo.

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I love how people say "Alaska has the resources to power America for over 200 years!" Yes, it does. But don't they realize how adversely it would affect the environment if we took all of its resources?


Much better to destroy the environment in 3rd world countries! I concur. 

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Also its sad that one idea is always tied to something else. If you believe one conservative thing all of a sudden you have to believe all he other conservative things or else you are called names. Sad day


I'm a conservative that doesn't believe in the death penalty, doesn't believe climate change is fake because liberals tend to believe it (Because I guess liberals can never be right?), doesn't believe in mass industrialization, supports legalization of marijuana, supports conservation efforts, doesn't support any of the wars in the Middle East, and thinks Ronald Reagan was capable of error. Obviously, I am in fact a liberal in disguise.

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Much better to destroy the environment in 3rd world countries! I concur. 


How about we just discontinue mass industrialization everywhere and call it a day?


And I liked because it made me laugh.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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I'm a conservative that doesn't believe in the death penalty, doesn't believe climate change is fake because liberals tend to believe it (Because I guess liberals can never be right?), doesn't believe in mass industrialization, supports legalization of marijuana, supports conservation efforts, doesn't support any of the wars in the Middle East, and thinks Ronald Reagan was capable of error. Obviously, I am in fact a liberal in disguise.


People just lump everyone into categories. If you dont fit into their snobby molds then you are some tainted derp head. Its entirely within everyone rights to look at issues on an individual basis and not just pick one side and go along with everything they say. 


Unfortunately, in this day and age people just purchase a political party off the shelf and go along with whatever is in the box without allowing themselves to view issues on an individual basis. 

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Why are so many republicans against the environment, and favor industrialization and destruction of ecosystems, and make fun of people who take a moral objection to that?


Quit trolling

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How about we just discontinue mass industrialization everywhere and call it a day?


Turn off your computer, lights, electricity, and natural gas, then we can talk. 

Edited by ardillacid
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