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Zoology And Conservation


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Learning about animals and teaching other people about them at a zoo is far different than sedating them and performing surgery.


Except at a zoo you are mostly caring for animals, aren't you?  And when you get out of your depth, you call the vet, right?  You are thinking of being a tour leader.  I'm thinking of the majority of real zoo jobs that deal with animals. 


Vets do a lot more than sedate animals, fyi.  Good vets keep animals alive through many means from diet to supplementation, and medication, in addition to surgery. 

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My first major was Zoology. I transferred to Forestry after the first semester. My first Bachelors was in Forest Management.


Did you want to be a park ranger or something?  I don't like many decisions from the BLM or park service lately - especially at some of my favorite haunts - but I still think being a ranger would be cool, at least for a few years. 

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My first major was Zoology. I transferred to Forestry after the first semester. My first Bachelors was in Forest Management.


None of the colleges I can find have a degree that specifically says "zoology". All I've found is life science, which says it can get you a job in zoology.

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Oklahoma State. I originally wanted to go to vet school, but decided that I was too soft hearted to deal with sick or dying animals everyday.

I wanted to work on genetic improvements to cure things such as chestnut blight or white pine blister rust. That would take a graduate degree. I spent the summer before my senior year applying to graduate programs. I especially wanted Virginia Tech but applied to every program in the US and Canada with forest genetics programs.

Despite my top ranked record, I didn't get a bite. Someone at Clemson, a secretary, was nice enough to tell me that the only professor she knew of that would take on a female grad student was one at my college. The prof in question gave me the only C grade I got because I wouldn't sleep with him, so I knew he wouldn't accept my application, nor would I apply to him.

My advisor should have told me I wouldn't be able to get a Masters. When I confronted him, he said he always hoped that things would change and with a small department, he didn't want to lose me as a student. So I went to law school thinking I would enjoy being an environmental lawyer.

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Oklahoma State. I originally wanted to go to vet school, but decided that I was too soft hearted to deal with sick or dying animals everyday.
Despite my top ranked record, I didn't get a bite. Someone at Clemson, a secretary, was nice enough to tell me that the only professor she knew of that would take on a female grad student was one at my college. The prof in question gave me the only C grade I got because I wouldn't sleep with him, so I knew he wouldn't accept my application, nor would I apply to him.

My advisor should have told me I wouldn't be able to get a Masters. When I confronted him, he said he always hoped that things would change and with a small department, he didn't want to lose me as a student. So I went to law school thinking I would enjoy being an environmental lawyer.


I hear ya on being a vet... Last time I went to the vet it was for an emergency (swollen eye that just ended up being a bee sting) but while I was there a dog died and I heard the dog's owner (a man) in the next room cry and wail like I only thought men did in war.  I was very disturbed.  It could be tough as a vet because you are on the front lines every day, I guess - unlike most MD's that would only have to deal with death like that in certain specializations.


Bummer about grad school.  Wrong decade I guess.  If you were a female applying to grad school in the sciences today you'd have the red carpet rolled out for you across the US - though I'm sure plenty of creepy advisor guys are still out there.


I take it you didn't enjoy law?

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None of the colleges I can find have a degree that specifically says "zoology". All I've found is life science, which says it can get you a job in zoology.


At Auburn University, there is a program called Wildlife Ecology and Management.  That's the program I was going to apply for if I went that route.



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This is a very useful tool for finding colleges with the major you want AND the location you want:






I live in Kansas, by the way. Though I am willing to go overseas to someplace like the UK or Australia since the low tuition justifies the trip.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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I enjoyed the law. I got to do a lot of social justice stuff. Main job was helping family farmers keep their farms. Got a head injury and got to where I couldn't remember my clients names. They didn't care because I still won all my cases. I used index cards to keep everyone straight, who they were, what I wanted to ask them on the stand. Dropped them in court one day. Quickly became apparent that I was lost. Bar Association made me retire.

I did some legal assistant stuff for awhile reviewing trial transcripts for appealable issues. For some reason my brain could still spot minutiae that's 500 pages apart that goes together. I was asked to do a couple of dozen death penalty cases which was interesting, fulfilling, but emotionally exhausting. After being asked to stand witness at an execution, that went terribly wrong, I couldn't do it anymore.

Now I am an advocate for the disabled. I give speeches and write articles and fight with bureaucrats. I'm almost done with a masters in theology. Then I'm going for a JCL. I can't practice law here, or full time, but I can serve as a canon lawyer in the tribunal. I want to start a mediation program in the tribunal for those going through annulments. I've found that those who contest annulments usually do so because they haven't moved on. They've gotten stuck in the grief process. I can work as a canon lawyer now, but the JCL would let me teach and be in charge.

People never expect to become disabled. I had hoped to be a judge by now. I'd have enjoyed that, but I'm enjoying this too.

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