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Does God Have A Sense Of Humor?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

So humour is not reckless it is purposeful for the encouragement of mankind?

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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So humour is not reckless it is purposeful for the encouragement of mankind?


Hi Tab - I don't think that humour is always "purposeful for the encouragement of mankind".  Humour can be good humour, or it can be cruel and hurtful humour.


A disposition of good humour (for a variety of reasons or purposes, motivations) comes from a Joyful spirit I think.  Sometimes a person might be suffering and still engage in good humour flowing from that  seed of Joy and Grace deep within - most of the time (drawing on personal experience only) it can be difficult to be of good humour when times are really trying - although not impossible.  Most often to my mind, it is not easy to be of good humour when times are hard and taxing one's resources.  And also there are times when humour would be entirely inappropriate.


 Ecclesiastes 3:4        

"A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;"


The book I am reading by Fr. Martin SJ did point to the parables and just how often celebration comes into the parables for example.  Celebrations are times of Joy and laughter.  I read something else that took my eye in his book "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" since the four Gospels do not mention categorically that Jesus really laughed.  And yet there is plenty of evidence that He did have a sense of the funny - sadly Fr. Martin points out that in our modern culture, we don't grasp the humour, while those hearing Jesus speak during his own life would have done so (and perhaps started to laugh at some absurdities) and Fr. Martin gives quite a few examples from the Gospels.


I wont go on, one needs to read the book.  Fr. Martin gives many reasons for a sound and Joyful sense of the funny in life - and of a good sense of humour being part and parcel of a balanced personality.   Ahhh balance - so important in spiritual life and can be so elusive, short of a Gift of The Holy Spirit.


Here is an article on "Our Joyful Pope" (Pope Benedict) - and so often Pope Francis is smiling and laughing and each time I see him on TV, I find my own heart stirred with Joy for the Gift I believe that He is and I love Pope Benedict too. http://catholicexchange.com/our-joyful-pope

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Walking away from the computer and about to turn to something else, that Wilcox poem occurred to me "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone".  I wonder if we did find and proclaim great Joy and good humour in our Faith and not be afraid to spread it around, if we would indeed convert the whole world. 


...................... not to become anxious overly, its going to happen anyway :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think he takes joy in us, in his creation. But humor? I ono.



That's my question also selah. But in the manner of how nasty and sarcastic human humour can be, laughing at others mistakes and stuff like that also funniest home videos. As far as i can tell God doesn't have that kind of sense of humour and doesn't mock us like a domestic cat with it's prey. That's what scares me about saying God has a sense of humour is people perhaps thinking he is some kind of court jester instead of the noble king.

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That's my question also selah. But in the manner of how nasty and sarcastic human humour can be, laughing at others mistakes and stuff like that also funniest home videos. As far as i can tell God doesn't have that kind of sense of humour and doesn't mock us like a domestic cat with it's prey. That's what scares me about saying God has a sense of humour is people perhaps thinking he is some kind of court jester instead of the noble king.


Hi Tab - God is Absolute Goodness and not sinful and it would be sinful to mock others. He does not mock His creatures as some humans can do.  God does not have that cruel and sarcastic type of humour.   Sometimes we take ourselves far too seriously and God can give us a nudge to "get down off our pedestal" and laugh at ourselves and if we do, He laughs with us to my mind.


Here is what Pope Benedict had to say:


http://catholicexchange.com/our-joyful-pope Pope Benedict: “One of the fundamental rules for the discernment of spirits could therefore be the following: where joy is lacking, where humor dies, there the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, is not present either. And vice versa: joy is a sign of grace. The one who is profoundly serene, who has suffered without losing joy, that one is not far from the God of the Gospel, from the Spirit of God, who is the Spirit of eternal joy.”

God] "has a great sense of humor. Sometimes he gives you something like a nudge and says, 'Don't take yourself so seriously!' Humor is in fact an essential element in the mirth of creation. We can see how, in many matters in our lives, God wants to prod us into taking things a bit more lightly; to see the funny side of it; to get down off our pedestal and not to forget our sense of fun,"



Either God has a sense of humour or He does not and most Catholic theological writers think that He does.  Our sense of humour can be cruel and nasty - it can also be a great help in living, in not taking ourselves too seriously all the time, and laughter can reduce stress.  All that is Good comes from God and it is good not too take ourselves overly seriously at times and to reduce our stress levels -  hence God has a sense of humour and laughs with us - not at us in a cruel sort of way.


Laughter is a 'by-product' of Joy - laughter flows from a spirit of Joy.

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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God does not possess characteristics. God does not, for instance, have a sense of justice. Rather, He is Justice. So no, God does not have a sense of humor.

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God does not possess characteristics. God does not, for instance, have a sense of justice. Rather, He is Justice. So no, God does not have a sense of humor.


The shining moment of God's humor was when he crafted your face.

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Two instances of heresy in one comment. 


Thank you for playing along and pointing that out. I was hoping you would so it would be a teaching moment for the children.

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Thank you for playing along and pointing that out. I was hoping you would so it would be a teaching moment for the children.

We can verify that simply by having you ask yourself if you learned anything.

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We can verify that simply by having you ask yourself if you learned anything.


I learned that you are a perfect teaching partner. I shall remember this in future exploits.

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Jesus is both God and fully human  - I am very confident that He smiled broadly, perhaps even burst out laughing, when he read previous posts and exchanges.  I know I did.  Thank you very much for a light and joyful moment in this day. 



Matthew 18:3
And said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.


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God does not possess characteristics. God does not, for instance, have a sense of justice. Rather, He is Justice. So no, God does not have a sense of humor.


The Winnowed One is correct. 

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