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Love The Sinner...


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Clare Brigid

Anyway, So are you saying, let the sinners (weeds) and wheat (the chosen) to grow together?. 


The Lord Jesus is saying that.  That's the only reason I'm saying it.


As for reconciling the teaching of the Lord Jesus with the verse in St. Paul's epistle that interests you so much, that is for the Church (the pillar and ground of truth), not for you or for me.

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ND This is the Commentary of John Chrysostom in relation to our subject. This is from that book.




He is practically saying that this ‘expulsion’ is a milder way of punishment than that of the Old ‘death in the hands of witnesses and all people’ for an offender.


But the question is this: Did they do it ? (expulsions of these offenders from your Church since this is the instruction of Apostle Paul). It seems Chrysostom himself was convinced that they did not do it because he said ‘but at other times the punishments come long afterward. And often they do not occur at all, even long afterward’.


The condition in treating immorals are the same even today. You do not ‘expel’ them but guide them. As I have said, I have nothing against gays and cheaters, I am simply telling you the reality happening in your Church that you are not listening to Apostle Paul because you have different way of 'saving' a wicked person.


To them (from where Apostle Paul belong) they 'kick him out' (1 Cor 5:5) 'so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord. But from your end (Your Church way), you keep, guide and teach them to repent in order to become obedient to your doctrines.  



Is that all St JC said? (hint: it's not)  And is Paul saying to kick out all sinners from the Church? (hint: he isn't)

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The Lord Jesus is saying that.  That's the only reason I'm saying it.


As for reconciling the teaching of the Lord Jesus with the verse in St. Paul's epistle that interests you so much, that is for the Church (the pillar and ground of truth), not for you or for me.


All discussions I made in this phorum are nothing personal besides, we are in the internet and therefore, our discussion are open to all especially to Catholic Scholars, Priest, Bishops, Theologians, Catholic Magisterial or whatever you call them.


As I have said in my previous post (in other topic), our discussions are not about theological  superiority of one man against another as if I will gain something in defeating anyone. I know many are doing it but, I do not have that kind of ambition. Nevertheless, I need to argue with all of you, although I am very much aware that I will reap hatred from you, in order to expose the erroneous belief which you now dearly embrace, with a hope that one day you will seek my Lord Jesus for your own good. And that Jesus I am talking is very different from the one you wholeheartedly accepted. 

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Is that all St JC said? (hint: it's not)  And is Paul saying to kick out all sinners from the Church? (hint: he isn't)


Show it. and please post it here. 

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Show it. and please post it here. 


I already did both.  If reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I'm sorry.  I'm not in the mood to spoon feed right now. 

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I already did both.  If reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I'm sorry.  I'm not in the mood to spoon feed right now. 

Sometimes funny things comes from serious people. Not all of them are spoon feed by comedians. :hehe2:  

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The Lord Jesus is saying that.  That's the only reason I'm saying it.


As for reconciling the teaching of the Lord Jesus with the verse in St. Paul's epistle that interests you so much, that is for the Church (the pillar and ground of truth), not for you or for me.


Let out discuss this parable since you are equating it in our topic about expulsion of wicked person in the Church.

I will post our topic verses for ready reference.


It is written, Matt 13:24-30


Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.


 "The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?'

"'An enemy did this,' he replied.


"The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?'


 "'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them.  Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'"


.....and then in it was explained in Matt 13:36-43


Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field."


He answered, "The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.


 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age.  The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.


This parable is about kingdom of heaven, Isn't it? Where is the Church in that parable, In heaven or on earth?

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Clare Brigid

Reyb, the [url=http://www.ccel.org/ccel/aquinas/catena1.ii.xiii.html]Catena Aurea[/url] will be of assistance in the interpretation of Our Lord's parable.


We in the Church are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, including Fathers and Doctors of the Church.  We do not approach Scripture with private interpretation.

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Reyb, the Catena Aurea will be of assistance in the interpretation of Our Lord's parable.


We in the Church are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, including Fathers and Doctors of the Church.  We do not approach Scripture with private interpretation.

Okay. Ty. I will read it.

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All discussions I made in this phorum are nothing personal besides, we are in the internet and therefore, our discussion are open to all especially to Catholic Scholars, Priest, Bishops, Theologians, Catholic Magisterial or whatever you call them.


As I have said in my previous post (in other topic), our discussions are not about theological  superiority of one man against another as if I will gain something in defeating anyone. I know many are doing it but, I do not have that kind of ambition. Nevertheless, I need to argue with all of you, although I am very much aware that I will reap hatred from you, in order to expose the erroneous belief which you now dearly embrace, with a hope that one day you will seek my Lord Jesus for your own good. And that Jesus I am talking is very different from the one you wholeheartedly accepted. 



in your mind who is greater Paul or Jesus?  If Jesus, then he says to let the wheat and weeds grow together.  So do you deny this saying of Jesus?  Should we disregard what our Lord says?

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in your mind who is greater Paul or Jesus?  If Jesus, then he says to let the wheat and weeds grow together.  So do you deny this saying of Jesus?  Should we disregard what our Lord says?


Your kind of question is leading and flawed as if I need to choose between them. It is better if your question is something like this. ‘Do Jesus and Paul are in conflict in dealing with sinners?’.  


Although I am aware that it is not a good thing for us to compare them. Or I may say, Apostle Paul will get mad having this kind of comparison. Nonetheless, I have to answer that they are in agreement in dealing with sinners in his Church or Kingdom, and it should be that way because Apostle Paul has the Spirit of Christ.



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Reyb, the Catena Aurea will be of assistance in the interpretation of Our Lord's parable.


We in the Church are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, including Fathers and Doctors of the Church.  We do not approach Scripture with private interpretation.



in your mind who is greater Paul or Jesus?  If Jesus, then he says to let the wheat and weeds grow together.  So do you deny this saying of Jesus?  Should we disregard what our Lord says?


If I were you, I will call all Scholars whom you called ‘cloud of witnesses’ in your church to settle this ‘conflict ‘ immediately because, if you are not aware of your present condition, you are the one (and many are like you) putting the thorn in the head of Jesus and up to this day, he is still suffering because of you.


As long as you have this day, you must refrain from doing it otherwise, you will never have your rest for all eternity. I am not lying to you and we can discuss it here if you want.


Do not blame anybody because I already warned you.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The readings for todays morning consecration for priests was psalm 50. Read it. If a sinner is causing you to sin including despair you have to ditch them, Jesus want's you to be saved too. 3 years is the longest missionary mission in the gospels in the orchard and the attendant and the tree not bearing fruit and the owner want's to chop it down and than the attendant begs for one more year to heap on more fertilizer etc. There is a limit, your not Jesus you know that right ? But also husband and wife perhaps are different and blood is thicker than water but i think there is a limit even with blood. Read psalm 50, gratitude and thanksgiving is your highest sacrifice and the most acceptable to God, if someone is stealing that gratitude you have to give them the flick i guess. St ignatious loyola "In-gratitude is the cause of all sin."


Onward christian souls.


Jesus iz LORD.

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