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Mother Dolores Hart, Osb

Ancilla Domini

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Ok, I see what you mean...I am wondering if it is the style it was written in that has affected the "feel" of her autobiography. My other thought is that many of the changes implemented at Regina Laudis after the 60's do reflect the signs of those times, so to speak. I do find it fascinating reading both Mother Benedict's & Mother Dolores' life stories...how their strong personalities helped mold this very unique expression of Benedictine life.

I would love to go on retreat with them someday... :nunpray:

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sponsa Christi, There is a documentary on Mother Hart -- God is the bigger Elvis. Her former fiance visits her often at the convent. They kiss on the lips - that is strange.

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This thread feels a lot more like gossip than a discussion anyone needs to be having.  :unsure: There are too many things in it that can't be substantiated and that we shouldn't be looking to substantiate, in my opinion, because it isn't any of our business or of any benefit to anyone.

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I do not think a religious sister or consecrated woman should kiss a man -- and a former suitor -- on the lips. Quite inappropriate. Possibly it is better to point it out so discerners are not confused if they see the film. The film is on the internet -- there isn't anything to substantiate. Watch and you will see the kissing on the lips. Another sister says some strange things in it. Likening singing the divine office to sex -- only higher. Something is off there. Sponsa Christi comments on good things in Mother's memoir. It is good for younger ones to know it is a mixed bag.

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I do not think a religious sister or consecrated woman should kiss a man -- and a former suitor -- on the lips. Quite inappropriate. Possibly it is better to point it out so discerners are not confused if they see the film. The film is on the internet -- there isn't anything to substantiate. Watch and you will see the kissing on the lips. Another sister says some strange things in it. Likening singing the divine office to sex -- only higher. Something is off there. Sponsa Christi comments on good things in Mother's memoir. It is good for younger ones to know it is a mixed bag.


If comparing prayer to sex feels off to you, you'd better not read the Song of Songs. Certain poems by John of the Cross will be off-limits too. Same with the famous statue of St Teresa of Avila in ecstasy. The comparison between prayerful union and sexual intimacy has been used in the Church for millennia.


I am not going to watch the film because it is not necessary for me to watch. I don't particularly want to see it and I doubt there is much benefit to me in seeing it.  I also doubt that any discerner is likely to be confused by such a scene. Most people wouldn't be comfortable with the idea of kissing someone you were once engaged to on the  mouth (not in this culture, anyway), but that doesn't mean they're going to feel comfortable judging someone else for doing it. Hopefully they will have sufficient purity of heart not to feel tempted to ascribe impure motives to others. I'm sorry, but this does sound a lot like, "Ooh, there is sexiness at Regina Laudis, kissing and they talk about the Divine Office being like sex, let's discuss it" - adopts a more prim tone - "all for the purposes of edification, of course."

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Beatitude, John of the Cross, the Song of Songs  and Teresa in ecstasy portray the intense love between God and the soul – not the strange idea that one individual’s voice entering into the air, joining with another individual’s voice – creating harmony – is something sexual. It is artistic. It is prayer and worship. It is not sexual. If you had watched the film – you would know what sexual reference was made -- and why it does not fit the objections you raise in your comment. Quite possibly some find problematic things about Regina Laudis – without judging individual sisters. One may comment upon odd things – this does not mean it is gossip.

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I'm not in the USA and I am not discerning but both the book and the film put me off, for the reasons others have stated.


By the way her ex-boyfriend died not so long since.


Am I right in thinking that the community is not currently accepting vocations? Something to do with having run out of space and needing to raise shed loads of money for building work. I think I saw that on here last year and haven't seen/looked for an update since.



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