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Happy Easter!!! (In like 40 minutes) 


Thanks TT! I hate dances so I hope that this one is okay. Lol. 


My audition is in one week!!! Prayers please!!! 

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My SD just wrote me an amesome letter of recommendation! It's for this pro-life internship that would be amesome if I got! 

Speaking of my SD, he has been listening to me play the piano after school. For the past two times he has come, he brought the thurible over and just burnt incense as I played. It is very peaceful but then he starts playing with the thurible. It's really funny! I told him to bless the sheet music I was playing, maybe that would make me play better. He took the thurible and blessed the incense then blessed my sheet music! He'll bless anything I guess! 

That's my little story for the day! Bye y'all! Alleluia alleluia! 

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I just got asked to the local public school's prom by a guy friend of mine. He is coming to my prom with a friend of mine (since I asked) so I'll go with him. I don't want to spend more money on another dress (my first one only cost $50 but...) What do y'all think? Get a new cheap dress or just wear the one for both. 

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I'm just going to wear the same dress lol. 


Ive got a new puppy!!! His name is Atticus and he is adorable!!! 

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So the trumpet guy is agnostic (I've known this and I love him for this.) he and I are having a conversation about race and religion. Our views are the same on race: no such thing, it's just a definition. Then he asked me what I thought about God and love. I tons him God is love and religion is centered around love. He got really happy and said this is what I've been wanting to say since the summer but never knew how to say it. 

He told me that he wants to go to mass and learn more about Catholicism. It holds the most beauty and truth he says. So happy right now!!! 

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I got into the Govenor Scolar of the Art's program!!! Thanks TT, Atticus is adorable and trumpet guy is the adorable too! :blush:

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 I just want school to be over!!! I just want to be done with school and be able to just be. I'm so done right now, like I could just be locked in a room and give me some tea, a book, and my pup and I would be.

I don't even want to go to college, I know I have a whole year to the side of that. I really just want to skip college go join the convent even though I know that my mother will not let me do that and I know that's probably not going to be what's best for me. I just want to go join the Benedictines and  I really just want to skip college go join the convent even though I know that my mother will not let me do that and I know that's probably not going to be what's best for me. I just want to go join the Benedictines and do what God is calling me to do. Maybe he's calling me to go to college? Maybe you calling me as ago right away? Maybe he's not even calling me to religious life. Maybe I'm supposed to trumpet dude. I don't know what the heck I'm supposed to do with my life!!!

i'm kind of freaking out right now because I want to do stuff. I want my life to move on, I don't want to be patient. I want God to grant me the gift of patients so I can wait for my vocation yet I want to be right there and my vocation doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. I just would like to happen!!! Does anyone else feel like this right now? 

I missing my dad right now, I want to be done with school, I just want to be at peace with myself and with God, and I just want to do what I'm supposed to do and be happy about it.  I found myself so many times in the past week to see a picture of dad and want to start crying but I know if I start trying that I won't find the strength to stop. I just want something to happen right now. In all honesty, I don't care what it is. I could be the biggest life event that will ever happen to me but it'll be something happening something different that will change me. 

 I want chains, I wasn't something new! God grant me the patience and peace to be a faithful follower of you. Give me the hope to keep on going and give me the knowledge and wisdom to know what I'm to do with my life. 

Edited by cartermia
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I'll keep you in my prayers. Whatever  your vocation, He will make the path straight for your.  Pax

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  On 4/27/2016 at 12:06 AM, CountrySteve21 said:

I'll keep you in my prayers. Whatever  your vocation, He will make the path straight for your.  Pax


Steve!!! Long time, no communication! Thank you!  How are you? 

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