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Penance In Carmel?


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It's in the Constitutions. I cannot find my copy of the 1990s at the moment, but in the 1926s it's articles 104 and 105. I really like how in article 104 it gives the reasons/many intentions for the good of souls that this is for.


In reply to the question in this thread, I will have to come back later to post more. I really agree with maximillion, though at the same time, I think these are good and valid questions. Perhaps they might be discussed best via private messages, so SilentJoy feel free to PM me. God bless for now and Happy New Year and Solemnity of the Mother of God/Circumcision of Our Lord/Octave of Christmas!


Hi Chiqui,


You are right, its in the Constitutions of 1928.  Its also found in Ceremonial of 1930, and the Constitutions of Alcala 1581.



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It's also in the first set of Constitutions she wrote (which are published in many places like the ICS Collected Works) just a bit differently than those from 1926. I won't quote it but let anyone go look it up. The 1926s were translated into English in 1928, but came out of Rome in 1926. Check out the letter at the beginning from the Father General. I'm not sure what they are usually referred to as however.


Okay, something I made a note to self to maybe post here the other day was that I do know of several different times with different 1990 Carmels where the Prioress had no problem sharing about such practices when a discerner asked.  I just wanted to say that so an assumption wouldn't be made that perhaps all 1990s might like this. I know of a 1991 Carmel that also continues this custom too. So as we often say here, it all depends on the particular way of each individual community. I wouldn't be worried however about the response you received from the 1990 Carmel you are considering. But again, feel free to PM me.


Also, just wanted to say that this is not really a big penance from what I have heard, and that I always get the impression from different Carmels I've talked with/other people's experiences, that external penance is never stressed even in the strictest of Carmels. They always favor a balanced life and the more difficult interior penance of giving up one's will. I have heard the common saying/quote from St. Teresa from a couple 1990 Carmels too that a good Carmelite "eats well, sleeps well & laughs well" Not to minimize the difficulty of their life, but you understand what I mean :like: As the chaplain of Valparaiso has said, their rule of life must be "ora et festa" from the laughter he hears through the walls. Also, just remembered this comic I once scanned from a magazine that featured the foundation of the Carmel in SD.









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Ha, Chiquitunga - the 1990 Carmel DOES have a cat, how did you know?


Thanks for everyone's responses, and for putting up with me.

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