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Prayer Stools


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I got one here (p. 30).  They run $30.  I used one during a retreat at one of their houses.  NB, it is an Anglican community so I'm not sure if I can link it.  I'm only linking to the catalogue.  I know the guidelines and am not promoting the community.  Mods, please unlink if necessary.

Edited by Nadezhda
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I got one here (p. 30).  They run $30.  I used one during a retreat at one of their houses.  NB, it is an Anglican community so I'm not sure if I can link it.  I'm only linking to the catalogue.  I know the guidelines and am not promoting the community.  Mods, please unlink if necessary.


The problem with ordering from them is it is a special order and says "please allow up to 4 months."  :(

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I understand that the prayer stools are comfortable while on them... and I love the concept.


But....these days I hsve such problems getting up off the floor once I am down! 


How does one DO this?  Certainly one can't use them to crawl up! or push off from!


Sadly, I think my days of using something like that are over....  AnneLine is old....

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I understand that the prayer stools are comfortable while on them... and I love the concept.


But....these days I hsve such problems getting up off the floor once I am down! 


How does one DO this?  Certainly one can't use them to crawl up! or push off from!


Sadly, I think my days of using something like that are over....  AnneLine is old....


Maybe you need one of those spring loaded "launch pad" type prayer stools!  You know those contraptions where you are lifted out of your seat by a mechanism?  :hehe2:



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I bought one of those for a family member! He wasn't fond of it,lol....but then again, he wadn't fond of alot of things ;)...I think it is easier to get up from a kneeler...I think Nikita is on to something :)

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I bought one of those for a family member! He wasn't fond of it,lol....but then again, he wadn't fond of alot of things ;)...I think it is easier to get up from a kneeler...I think Nikita is on to something :)


LOL, we have a recliner with one of those mechanisms only it's much more easier on the person since it's electric and has a switch.  My grandmother gave it to us to use after my great-grandmother passed away at 100 years old.  She had bad arthritis and never sat in it so it was brand new.  It's a great and comfortable chair.  The mechanism made me laugh when I tried it out!  :hehe2:


The chair looks like this:



Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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To heck with a prayer stool.  I want a choir stall!  Carved and everything.  Maybe I can find me one of these on ebay!





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Maybe you need one of those spring loaded "launch pad" type prayer stools!  You know those contraptions where you are lifted out of your seat by a mechanism?  :hehe2:



That's too funny. 


Part of me would LOVE an ejecta-stool, but with my ability to have 'interesting' things happen to me, the danged thing would shoot me across the room!  It would give 'join Christ on the cross' a whole new meaning!!!!!


Our parish kind of put them  in in reverse... they rejuvenated all the kneelers (which were 70+ years old and REALLLY needed it!) but they put in a spring-load to keep them UP and CLOSED.  Now you have the interesting sight of people pawing at them like animals when it is time to kneel... they try to subtly move it to 'open' with a foot... and then make a deep prostration from the waist as they open the thing... and try to thump down on it before it closes.   It's really funny seeing about 100 people doing this in tandem!


BUT they are very conducive to prayer...


Something you might want to explore, Brandelyn and others, is this gardening stool... because it can be used as a seat and works wonderfully as a prayer bench!   AND you can use the arms to get UP, too!!!!!


Best of all possible worlds!  And I have the yellow and green one, but it does come in other colors -- apparently some made better than others.. and a range of prices, too.  BUT this is the one I have:





Search for 'garden kneeler' and you will find them!

Edited by AnneLine
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I now have an unholy vision in my head........the spring-loaded choir stall!!!!!! :hehe2:  :bounce:  :winner:

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I understand that the prayer stools are comfortable while on them... and I love the concept.


But....these days I hsve such problems getting up off the floor once I am down! 


How does one DO this?  Certainly one can't use them to crawl up! or push off from!


Sadly, I think my days of using something like that are over....  AnneLine is old....


I was thinking the same thing as I read this thread. "Wow! You guys can still kneel!"


I sure hope that God hears prayers when the person is lying down propped up on a pillow at sort of a 45 degree angle.


I can't even sit upright in a chair for an hour without being in severe pain. I have to keep moving. I could probably handle it if the pain lasted only while I was sitting, but the pain of sitting upright for longer than 10-15 minutes lasts for days, sometimes weeks. (Yes, I have tried everything known to medicine, and many other things, as well.)


When I see pictures of nuns/Sisters who are 20 or 30 years older than I am still kneeling, I am envious. I'm getting older by the minute, but I'm not THAT old (yet). Everyone else my age can at least sit. <sigh>


Note: Old is relative. I live across the street from a retirement home/nursing home for Religious Sisters. The youngest Sister there has been in religious life at least 40-50 years, and several Sisters have celebrated their 80th Jubilees--and made it to the party!!

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To heck with a prayer stool.  I want a choir stall!  Carved and everything.  Maybe I can find me one of these on ebay! 

Yes you can!  EBay has EVERYTHING one needs to set up a chapel/church.  Monstrances, ciboria, statues, crosses, relics, vestments - you name it, it's there!!!


As for prayer stools, if my mind serves me right, didn't we have a rather lengthy discussion/photos about them before Sr. Faith entered Carmel?  Ok all of you hot-shot VS sleuths - find that thread!

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I sure hope that God hears prayers when the person is lying down propped up on a pillow at sort of a 45 degree angle.



I am absolutely convinced that God hears you even when you are standing on your head!

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