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Phil Robertson/nsa

God the Father

Which "current event" received a more intense emotional response from you?  

18 members have voted

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southern california guy

I agree with Hasan.  We need to avoid using labels like "leftist", "left", "right", "conservative", and "liberal". Don't copy Rush Limbaugh. It is much better to carefully describe the people and positions we disagree with than to stick labels on them.

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holding out hope that people will start being accurate in descriptions of people they hate or love . . . good luck wit that

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I agree with Hasan.  We need to avoid using labels like "leftist", "left", "right", "conservative", and "liberal". Don't copy Rush Limbaugh. It is much better to carefully describe the people and positions we disagree with than to stick labels on them.


I agree heartily!


We should all follow Hassan's lead and avoid using silly, divisive labels like "right" and "left," "conservative" and "liberal," instead simply calling those we disagree with idiots, morons, and vile sacks of poo.


Makes for much more entertaining debate.

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I agree heartily!

We should all follow Hassan's lead and avoid using silly, divisive labels like "right" and "left," "conservative" and "liberal," instead simply calling those we disagree with idiots, morons, and vile sacks of poo.

Makes for much more entertaining debate.

I disagree with lots of people on here. Pretty much everybody, in fact. I referred to you as intellectually dishonest, which you often are. For example, your above response to my post. While it was somewhat more nuanced and thoughtful than most of your posts it does demonstrate that you knew your initial claim, that leftist a worship the state as an end in itself, was false (that's called intellectual dishonesty).
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'Lefty sodomite journalist Glen Greenwald broke the biggest story on the modern surveillance state and has been the most vocal public opponent of said surveillance state. Leftys love big government!!!!! I'm Socrates and I have a propensity for cognitive dissonance!!!!"

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A song about how hot some women on TV are. Isn't lust of the heart a form of adultery? SODOMITES ARE DESTROYING THE INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE!!!!
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Is this video also about women you find sexually alluring?
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It's fair to say that certain labels aren't accurate or precise (eg. especially nowadays "right" and "left" can mean many different things and be very subjective) but the underlying philosophies and ideologies (which these labels are supposed to represent) do matter. 


I'm glad greenwald broke the story.  I'm not personally familiar with his politics and I don't really care about his choice of bed partners.  I'm not going to toss out everything from Orwell just because he described himself as a socialist.  If someone is both intellectually and genuinely honest, then engaging and debating with them is just that much more efficacious.


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Golden Years

It is useless to put one's faith in government of any kind.  It is the personal holiness of our elected officials that counts and who knows the measure of that?  The trouble is that both parties are run by heavily funded corporate organizations which care only about acquiring or remaining in power and they will do and say anything in order to achieve that goal.  Candidates are chosen on the basis of how willing they are to tow the party line and whether or not they are able to attract voters through personal popularity, physical attractiveness, social connections and media savvy.  They are packaged and sold as a product to the American voter every four years like the latest pickup truck.  Sometimes we elect Chevys and sometimes Fords and they wonder why nothing ever really changes.  Personally I say go back to the horse and buggy thank you very much.



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