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Different Military Training Requirements For Men And Women


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With the can of worms you just opened, we can catch enough fish to feed every Catholic for Fridays in Lent for the next few years...



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I don't see what women are complaining about. I'd pay for a social rule dictating that you can't hit me simple because I'm me. You get that social rule free of charge.

Pfft. Women... You just can't please them, am I right, guys?

The rule already exists for you FP. Its againat the law to assault people.....
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The rule already exists for you FP. Its againat the law to assault people.....


Guy friends beat up each other all the time. I've never seen guys hit women in a friendly way before, or girls hit each other in a friendly way. I did just spend four days with my brothers-in-law, however, and pretty much every day I received a new injury. I of course did my best to return the favor.

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 I've never seen guys hit women in a friendly way before, or girls hit each other in a friendly way.


The world's a big place.

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Basilisa Marie

With the can of worms you just opened, we can catch enough fish to feed every Catholic for Fridays in Lent for the next few years...


I literally lol'd at this. :)


Chivalry is fine as long as the reasons underlying it are fine. Do men open doors for women because they think women can't open doors, get indignant when women open doors for them, or women get offended when a man doesn't open a door for her? Does a woman expect a man to always pay for the date? Does a man get offended if the woman he dates makes more money than her? Or does a person open a door for another because it's a nice thing to do? If chivalry is something light and casual, a form of respect that isn't meant to be followed rigorously and absolutely, then it's totally fine. My boyfriend likes to open the car door for me, and I like it, because it's a nice little gesture of love. But if I get to the door first, it's not a big deal. 

Honestly as far as the military goes, if a woman can do the job and wants to do it, then she should be able to. Having different standards for men and women for the same job does way more harm than good.  Different standards for men and women in sports makes sense, because our anatomy dictates different physical capabilities. But when you're talking about doing a job, with life and death consequences no less, being able to do the job is more important than diversity for it's own sake. Sure, there's tons of sexism in the military (people have already brought up the huge problem with sexual assault). But one of the best ways to deal with it is to allow women who can meet the standard actually do the job. 

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I literally lol'd at this. :)


Chivalry is fine as long as the reasons underlying it are fine. Do men open doors for women because they think women can't open doors, get indignant when women open doors for them, or women get offended when a man doesn't open a door for her? Does a woman expect a man to always pay for the date? Does a man get offended if the woman he dates makes more money than her? Or does a person open a door for another because it's a nice thing to do? If chivalry is something light and casual, a form of respect that isn't meant to be followed rigorously and absolutely, then it's totally fine. My boyfriend likes to open the car door for me, and I like it, because it's a nice little gesture of love. But if I get to the door first, it's not a big deal. 

Honestly as far as the military goes, if a woman can do the job and wants to do it, then she should be able to. Having different standards for men and women for the same job does way more harm than good.  Different standards for men and women in sports makes sense, because our anatomy dictates different physical capabilities. But when you're talking about doing a job, with life and death consequences no less, being able to do the job is more important than diversity for it's own sake. Sure, there's tons of sexism in the military (people have already brought up the huge problem with sexual assault). But one of the best ways to deal with it is to allow women who can meet the standard actually do the job. 


If my sister is about to open the door, I will sometimes jokingly run and cut her off (Sometimes knocking her off balance) to get to the door first so I can open it for her. I always make it a point to open doors for girls, but at the same time, I do the same for guys, too. I open the door for everyone, whether I know them or not. There are some chivalrous things you obviously only do with girls, like pull out their chairs for them, open car doors for them, and other things of that nature (I don't know, the thought of doing that for a guy and not because it's a joke just seems weird), but I don't think it would be right to only do things like open doors just for girls.


And exactly. I am sure there are girls in the world who can pass the training. But the training needs to be equal; you can't lessen the difficulty for girls because unlike a sport, this is a life or death situation, and we can't afford to allow people to get hurt and killed for the sake of diversity.

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