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Do You Have Any Issues With Pope Francis' Messaging?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Prove it... and that is a personal insult, MISTER!



There mockers and satirical sarcasts, have mercy on them.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye




They gave that priest many warnings i'm sure, and he refused to get back in line with official church teaching.

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but that his intention is not to convert because inevitably conversion is between The Lord and the individual. 

Then what is the point of having Missionaries giving the Good News in rural countries that have absolutely no technology and are in no way able to receive any information let alone the Gospel; that Jesus is Lord and Savior.  Or what about Teresian form of prayer, The friends of Christ want more friends for Christ!


Conversion is between The Lord and the individual.  I disagree, God uses us as tools to preach the Good News to others or there would be no Apostles, no bible and most certainly no Church! 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Freedom ultimately in the end only Jesus can convert anyone, it's the truth, and i feel you have just trolled me or misunderstood some how what i said. You still share your experience, faith,hope and love. I said that already though. Doesn't mean you still don't hope heaven for others. Jesus is all powerful not me, ULTIMATELY! Though yes we are his body on earth, his hands and feet to the lame and his eyes to the blind and his ears to the death, i don't think you get my point.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Like freedom do you think that it was the great saints intentions to convert the destitute or to love them first and foremost? I think most of the writings of the saints is to those whom are already converted, the lost sheep and simply kingdom building within the kingdom. My first intention when evangelizing is to love, inevitably though most of the time my faith comes into the conversation. And not first intention although it is it needs to be an ongoing intention throught any evangelical mission but the first and foremost, the beggining and the end, the first will also be last. Also love dictates that i will illuminate the darkness of sin also. Justice and mercy.

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The problem is....he cannot proved whatever he is saying and it seems he did not want to explain them either.

For example, He said Pope Francis ‏@Pontifex19h ‘God does not reveal himself in strength or power, but in the weakness and fragility of a newborn babe.
And then, ALEX ILLEST ‏@alexillest19h @Pontifex ‘So the newborn needs to be a babe? God sounds so shallow’.

Andt then, your Pope is very silent. Edited by reyb
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The problem is....he cannot proved whatever he is saying and it seems he did not want to explain them either.

For example, He said Pope Francis ‏@Pontifex19h ‘God does not reveal himself in strength or power, but in the weakness and fragility of a newborn babe.
And then, ALEX ILLEST ‏@alexillest19h @Pontifex ‘So the newborn needs to be a babe? God sounds so shallow’.

Andt then, your Pope is very silent.


The Pope probably didn't respond because he didn't know if Alex was serious or just joking.


Alex should have used the ironic smiley -->  :|

Edited by NotreDame
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An Historian

It has to be admitted, the Holy Father must have an incredible sense of self-confidence to believe that he, as the Supreme Pontiff, the highest authority on earth, the Vicar of Christ and the Shepherd of His Holy Church, can make off-the-cuff remarks and be perfectly on the mark.


Personally I don't like it.  It trivialises the Bishop of Rome, it turns him into a mere celebrity, and it makes mockery of the grave and solemn deliberation of his predecessors.  The man still thinks he's a parish priest.

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Clare Brigid

I think that one key to understanding, accepting and loving Pope Francis is knowing that he has a choleric temperament.

Are you guys familiar with the four traditional temperaments (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic)?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think that one key to understanding, accepting and loving Pope Francis is knowing that he has a choleric temperament.

Are you guys familiar with the four traditional temperaments (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic)?



I looked at them once and almost vermiated. I put it in line almost with horoscopes, my opinion it is general psychology and only very general and really traps people in a box, people are a great mystery sometimes, half the time or most of the time ( i don't know), because we are created in the image and likeness of GOD and he is a great mystery although he reveals himself to us communally and individually over time. No pun intended. :) Though honestly i didn't get right into it and how is it traditional in accordance with the catholic church?


Also perhaps all you people need to do is give the pontiff time before you get out the chainsaw and cut him down. :)


Jesus iz LORD.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The whole temperament thingy may work for some people understand themselves and others but definitely not me. Although i am not anti it i am not pro either, unsure what the holy roman catholic churches official stance is towards it.

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Clare Brigid

The whole temperament thingy may work for some people understand themselves and others but definitely not me. Although i am not anti it i am not pro either, unsure what the holy roman catholic churches official stance is towards it.


The Catholic Church is favorable toward the use of a knowledge of temperament to provide spiritual direction and for self-understanding.  This is not akin to astrology or any type of divination.  It is based on millennia of observing human nature.


An example of a traditional Catholic use of temperament is the well-known work of [url=http://angelicum.net/newsroom/the-four-temperaments-by-rev-conrad-hock/]Fr. Conrad Hock[/url]. 


There are also a number of solid, Catholic books on the subject, such as [url=http://shop.sophiainstitute.com/Temperament-God-Gave-You-The-P78.aspx]The Temperament God Gave You[/url], published by Sophia Institute Press.


My temperament happens to be melancholic.  My secondary temperament is choleric.  Which means that I was barely able to restrain myself, after reading your posts, from doing this:   :wedgie:

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The Pope probably didn't respond because he didn't know if Alex was serious or just joking.


Alex should have used the ironic smiley -->  :|


Ok. Another message of Pope Francis  and still he did not answer (I do not think, Alexei Saba is joking).


Pope Francis â€@Pontifex24 Jul

Never forget, young friends: The Virgin Mary is our Mother and with her help we can remain faithful to Christ. #Rio2013 #JMJ



Alexei Saba â€@sabzi24 Jul

Can somebody explain what this actually means? RT@Pontifex: The Virgin Mary is our Mother and with her help we can remain faithful to Christ

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