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Question About Novitiate And Christmas


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I know a woman pretty well who has entered and left 3 religious communities.  She entered her fourth in August as a postulant with 2 other women.  I saw her at Church the last two weeks which I thought was odd because she was wearing a habit even though she had only been a postulant less than 4 months.  On the community's website, it says postulancy lasts 1 year at least.  The habit really doesn't even look like the community habit as it is a different color and the veil looks different.  Also, no community I know allows their Sisters (least of all, novices!) to visit friends around Christmas.  Do any of you know any communities that allow Sisters to leave during Advent and Christmas?  She was at Christmas Mass this morning at my parish.


(I've also looked at the community website and they haven't posted anything about their postulants receiving the habit and this community regularly updates Facebook and their website nearly everyday.  They even updated their FB yesterday.  They posted the day after the postulants were received into the community and showed pictures.  I'm sure they would have posted about the new novices.)

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At first blush, it looks like this person has a psychological problem and may not be in any community - just wishing it was so.  This could be the reason she left 3 other orders. In the community I'm discerning with - Christmas in community is a very big deal - this is the case in every community I have visited.

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

There may be a number of explanations. Of course, you could just ask her! :-)


Sometimes communities have postulants who go home dress a little differently. I know that in my 1st community postulants didn't wear a veil but when I went out I wore a white veil so I would look more like a Sister.


Would you mind telling me what community she belongs to? That might give me a clue!


Of course, your friend could just be doing her own thing...it's happened!


Merry Christmas!

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My previous community allows postulants to go home for 5 days over Christmastime. As novices and every year after that they stay at the convent. But its not unknown to let postulants go home at Christmas. :)

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Didn't I just read a comment on here by BarbaraTherese about some lay person at her local church who was just rolling around in a carmelite habit?  I've also seen a guy from time to time at a local weekday mass dressed in a strange habit.   I guess if it's all in their head, there are worse ways to be crazy!

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The S.V.'s let postulants visit home during the 12 days of Christmas, but not on Christmas Day. This year I believe they get to go home the 27th till the 3rd. 

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I know a community that lets postulants go home for Christmas, and has them wear a "home habit" which is just a long skirt and a veil. At the convent they wear the long skirt but no veil.

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I could see for some communities letting postulants go home over Christmas. However none of the communities I have had contact with do so. I could also understand communities having their postulants wear a "home habit" as Lilllabettt described, especially if they have a very simple postulant outfit. Prevents confusion (ie they are just there for a home visit rather than they discerned out of the community).


I would just ask this young lady, and pray for her!

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I was at prayer in a Manhattan church when I saw a woman in full habit making the stations of the cross. I couldn't ID the habit but it had a purple cape. I asked a priest I know there about her and he made a face and said, "she's a "promesa"...apparently she had made a promise that if her prayer was answered she would spend a year in church at prayer, or something. I didn't quite understand it, and never had a chance to ask if she had the bishop's permission...

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Thank you to everyone for your answers. I don't feel comfortable approaching this person as we used to be friends but I decided to distance myself on the advice of my therapist, pastor, and mother. She shows signs of bipolar disorder and has extreme mood swings. She is very unstable. As far as I know, she is presenting herself to others as a novice since my other friend told me of her arrival and knows her better than I do. I would prefer to not reveal the community she supposedly belongs to since they have a strong internet presence and could be on Phatmass.

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Prayer for this woman you "know pretty well" and for her community, all around her, her family and friends.


Thank you for praying for her.  I think she needs them.  I don't want to gossip about her but I wanted to know if my intuition was wrong.  ;)

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To add to the mix -- one of the communities I was with *did* let their members (professed and in formation) go home for Christmas.  It was quite wierd because the ones that stayed were usually international members.


I don't know 100% if 1st year novices were allowed to go home ... I assume that if the novitiate was canonical, they probably didn't go home (unless they went home for a week and then were extended a week?)


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