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Eucharistic Theology Is A Deception


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Forgive me if I state the obvious here. I'm new to the phorum. Anyway...

Transubstantiation is so fundamental to Catholicism that your struggle to grasp it tells me you are not Catholic. Furthermore, your arguments focus solely on a literal reading of The Bible, which means you are Protestant in spirit if not identity. Besides Scripture, Catholicism recognizes the authority of Apostolic Tradition because... well... "The Bible says so."

And, please, don't ask me to explain or prove what I've said, because I won't bother. It'll clearly be a waste of time. Have you considered investigating this on your own? Well, you should... if you truly desire to be enlightened. Your posts reveal otherwise. I think your real purpose here is to break someone into saying uncle, I.e., "OK! I give in! You are sooo right! And we are sooo dumb."

I really hope I'm wrong about your intentions. Regardless, I do not expect you to respond. I certainly won't.

(End of rant. Frustration released.)

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To all,


I was once a Catholic and never been a Protestant. But I want you to know this.


The type of Apostle Paul and all God’s witnesses as a Christian is not a kind of Christian this entire Christian world was and is, up to this day. From Ignatius up to Pope Francis, their kind as a ‘Christian’ is very different than that of Apostle Paul.  They are honouring different Jesus, and Christians in the like of Apostle Paul are not irrational or illogical worshipper.


Am I saying Christians today are irrational believers? My answer is, “Yes”. I do not want to be rude but this idea that ‘Jesus Christ is the Eucharist’ or ‘The Eucharist is Jesus Christ himself’ is definitely illogical. Only an intentionally irrational, sleepy, immature, deceive and idle person will ever believe that God is a piece of bread. I really hate to say this but, where is your common sense when you are eating your God?


Even Thomas Aquinas admitted that the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is by ‘faith alone’. He is actually giving you a belief which is still unclear or a kind of knowledge which is still unknown to him. Therefore, what kind of thing you will receive from him if he has nothing to give? Thus, he can only say ‘just believe because, it is a mystery beyond our comprehension’. This is the sentiment of Mark in saying, I am wrong in asking for its logical explanation because there is really none.  So, are we now saying it is real because there is none?  Actually, even God himself will fail to reveal this kind of ‘mysterious philosophy’ because, it is not really an unknown truth but a lie, and God cannot lie.


As I have said before, when there is mystery, it will soon be revealed and when there is prophecy it will soon be fulfilled. But if you call a lie a ‘mysterious truth’ then you will never be see its end because, it is not an ‘unknown truth’ but a lie. How do I know that the Eucharist is a lie? Because, it is just a piece of bread. Don’ t you really see it?


The Sacrament of Eucharist , The Doctrine the Holy Trinity and all teachings and sacraments are not mysteries of God. They are irrational theological philosophies or lies but accepted to be an ‘unknown truth thru faith’. Christ is the mystery of God and not those useless man-made mysteries. I am not referring to your Jesus as the mystery of God because, there is no historical Jesus at all. I am referring to the other Jesus whom you still do not know. He is the mystery of God and not the one you said you know.   


Now, since you wholeheartedly accepted them very easily, you are now having a kind of faith founded on nothing but faith itself. Jews did the same mistakes. They too put their whole heart in their offering using ‘faith alone’ in proving its truthfulness.


On the other hand, Christians like Apostle Paul are not believers thru faith alone or thru faith without reasonable or valid proof.  They believe in God not because they have faith since they are not using faith as a reason to believe. Truth is the reason why they believe in Him, and  that  truth is Jesus Christ himself. Thus, they have genuine faith because it spring after they saw Jesus Christ. Unlike your early fathers, doctors and scholars, who uses faith as a reason in believing and in seeing superstitious beliefs as truths. While ignoring all other truths given by rational presentation because, they are all against them.


As you can see, even your little math and philosophical talents are gone since you are now saying, 3 is 3 and 1 is 1 but, 3 is also 1 and 1 is also 3. And you know it is not logically acceptable preposition but still, you accepted it to be true because of theological formulations and theories which are all grounded on ‘faith alone’ scheme. Why I said your teachings are grounded on ‘faith alone’ scheme?  Because none among God’s true witnesses, including Apostle Paul, testify that God is a triune God.  How do I know that it is irrational? Because, 1 is 1 and other than 1 it is no longer 1 at all. Therefore, 1 cannot be 3 or any other number but, to say that 1 is also 3 is already a pointless philosophy.


Now, If  faith alone or ‘faith without any rational explanation’, is a God- given faith then, hypocrite Jews must have genuine faith too. But as we all know, the writer of Hebrew rebuked and corrected them by saying  ‘.... it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins’.


Faith by itself, no matter how sincere and strong it could be, is not acceptable to God. It is not acceptable because, only thru Jesus Christ it will become possible. Again, in here, I am not referring to your historical Jesus but to the other Jesus whom you still do not know.


I want to make it clear. Historical Jesus is just a belief. It is a creation of superstitious mind. An imitation created by worldly wisdom but not the true One. This worldly wisdom speaks about historical coming of Christ that never took place. Thus, you will never find any proof of his existence.  Even your own bible is not a good evidence of his existence because, it was created or compiled by your leaders based on a ‘belief’ that this historical Jesus is the much awaited Messiah of the Jews. Actually, they used this ‘belief’ as a criteria in choosing which sacred writings must be included in this bible. It is true that each book in the bible testify about the real Jesus Christ but, those who compiled them speaks of another.


I know, you will never find anything which can proved its existence but still, I dare you to do it because, I am hoping it will lead you seeking the real one, and eventually, you will have a kind of faith as precious as you wanted it to be- a genuine faith. A kind of faith tested by God himself thru the coming of Christ. God is not an illogical God. Therefore, in what way you will become a nonsensical follower if God is your teacher? But if your master is the spirit of this world then, it is already a different story.  


It was reminded before to the Jews, and now I will give them to you in the same manner it was given to them. It is really impossible for that piece of bread to take away your sins because,  â€˜If it could, would they not have stopped being offered?  For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins.’  (Please see Heb 10:2ff)


Again, if it is true that the Eucharist is Christ himself  then once is enough and eventually, this gift will never be offered again to those who already have it. As this opportunity was given once, you can only  have it once too because it was given not in this world of ours but , in the heaven itself. (Please see Hebrew 9:11-14).


So, why do you do it again and again just like in a Jewish offering of bulls and goats? Because it is just a piece of bread baked in oven and not ‘Bread from Heaven’ in the same manner that  the Jewish offering is not the true ‘Lamb of God’.


If only you will seek Him, I believe you will find Him.








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Are you so sure most saints don't sin to some degree or another, although i have heard some saint with grace removed even there venial sins before they passed on ? 


Also ReyB do you pray everyday? Or meditate everyday ?

Whenever I see religious people like you. I am always praying. My prayers is for you to seek and find Him.

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