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Want To Enter The Carmel


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I want very much to enter the Carmel. My dad supports me if it's the will of God, but isn't excited about it. My mom isn't Catholic and wants me to go to college. I plan to dual enroll my junior year of high school next year, so I will go to college.

I've written the Carmel. I've visited them too. I've fallen in love with the monastery and the sisters. I want to enter very much

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Hello Rose and welcome to phatmass.


It's wonderful to hear you feel the call to a Carmelite vocation so strongly.


Was there anything you wanted to ask?


I am sure you will find phatmassers of Vocation Station helpful and friendly.

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Hi, Rose:


If your considering cloistered life, you're a better person than me!!  As I read your post, you are 15-16 and entering your junior year of high school?  If that's the case, I'm with your mom.  I think you should do college or work first.  My discernment has lasted about 4 years and it's been an intense process.  No way was I ready for that at 16 (in fact you couldn't have dragged me to Mass at 16.)   I did consider cloistered life and visited 2 monasteries but it really wasn't for me.  I think it takes a very special vocation and a certain maturity that only comes with time and experience.  Yes, I know St. Therese entered at 15 but that was almost 150 years ago and life is very different now.  I would give yourself a little more time - be sure you're not infatuated with the idea of the cloister rather than living the life every day, year after year.  I now see that was my problem.  I thought that if I felt called to religious life the best and most ideal way to express a vocation was as a cloistered nun - giving everything to God.  I quickly realized that an active apostolate was no less a calling - just a different one.  I think it's harder to be cloistered - I certainly found that in my 2 short visits - if that wasn't the case we would have a lot more monasteries and nuns.  In either case, I still think 16 or 17 is too young and I would take a bit more time to know myself and experience life.  I am in no way demeaning how you feel now, I just think that you will change a lot over the next few years and you should let that happen.  Just my opinion.

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I want very much to enter the Carmel. My dad supports me if it's the will of God, but isn't excited about it. My mom isn't Catholic and wants me to go to college. I plan to dual enroll my junior year of high school next year, so I will go to college.

I've written the Carmel. I've visited them too. I've fallen in love with the monastery and the sisters. I want to enter very much


Hello there! :)


I will be praying for you during this time of discernment and waiting. I know waiting is difficult, but His time always is perfect. I understand your moms position, but remember also that once you go to college you end up with financial attachments that will need to be paid off before you enter. If you feel this strongly that this is your vocation and you have found your community perhaps you would consider instead working for a couple of years and remain in close contact with the community through writing and visiting. That way when or if the time comes to enter you won't have loans to pay off.  A lot of Carmelite communities either require or at least would like to see that you had some work experience, but college isn't required. This is just a suggestion, but have you talked to Reverend Mother about your plans? It would be nice to get her advice.


I am preparing to enter Carmel in about 4 weeks now. I'm 25 and I haven't been to college but I have worked. I have been free to enter without any attachments in the world, and this is something that I have always been thankful for. I don't mean to say that you shouldn't go to college either, you obviously need to do what Our Lord wants you to do but maybe you should pray about this some more and maybe talk to your priest or the Reverend Mother at the community you are discerning with about these things. Praying for you! Please pray for me also. :)


Remain faithful and true to His grace and to what you know is in your heart. If this is your vocation, now is a very good time that you could prepare by striving to live a more virtuous life, a stronger and more faithful prayer life, frequent reception of the Sacraments, and reading about the lives of the Carmelite Saints.

Edited by VeniJesuAmorMi
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Hello! It's great to hear from a girl close to my age (15) :)

If you're alright with me asking, was there a particular experience or moment when this desire came to you, or was it gradual?

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By the way, do you happen to have a youtube channel under the name "PureBrideofChrist"? I'm totally fine if you dont want to answer :) Sometimes we want to keep our online stuff seperate I know.

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By the way, do you happen to have a youtube channel under the name "PureBrideofChrist"? I'm totally fine if you dont want to answer :) Sometimes we want to keep our online stuff seperate I know.

Yep! That's me!
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