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Quote Game

Ancilla Domini

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Spem in alium

Great game!


"Gentlemen,you can't fight in here; this is the War Room!"

I would never have been able to correctly guess this one, so I asked my mum what she thought. She said it's from Indiana Jones, but somehow I don't think that's right...

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Not The Philosopher

Great game!


I would never have been able to correctly guess this one, so I asked my mum what she thought. She said it's from Indiana Jones, but somehow I don't think that's right...



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Ancilla Domini

I looked it up, and now I don't feel so bad about not knowing it. I've never watched it (although I've heard of it). :)

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Spem in alium

So is it from Indiana Jones?

Hah. Knowing my mum's skill with guessing movie quotes, I'd confidently give that a "no".

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Not The Philosopher



Here's another line from the same movie:


"You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company."

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Rules of the Game:


1. A person posts a quote from a movie or a book.

2. The others try to guess from which movie/book the quote is taken.

3. Whoever manages to guess the movie/book correctly gets to post the next quote.


I'll start, I guess:


"You despise me, don't you?"

"If I gave you any thought, I probably would."


P.S. I generally watch older movies, so my movie quotes will not be from 21st century movies.


– 'Cilla


Casablanca, the best movie ever made!

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Not The Philosopher

No one here has seen Dr. Strangelove? I thought that quote was famous.

Here's a more *ahem* seasonal one:


"...and they call him Sandy Claws."

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Ancilla Domini

I'm trying to figure out if we should just let NTP continue posting quotes until someone guesses one of them, or if there should be a limit to how many quotes one person can give in a row. :hehe2:

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Not The Philosopher

Indeed this topic is turning into NTP's movie trivia night. If anyone wants to take over, that's okay by me.


That last one was from the Nightmare Before Christmas.

How about,

"Honey, where is my super suit?"

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