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Quote Game

Ancilla Domini

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Augh! I recognized that quote, but I couldn't place it! I looked it up, and realized the reason I couldn't place it was because I have only seen that movie once. I actually have something else to say about that movie, but I will wait until someone guesses it correctly!

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Ancilla Domini

"I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales"


I looked it up. I've never heard of that movie before. No wonder I didn't know the quote. :)

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Sylvanna Imbris

This looks like a fun game! :smile3: Mind if I join in?

Is the quote from August Rush? I'm not very familiar with the film, but it's the only movie about music that I know Chryso has only seen once :think2:

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Ancilla Domini

This looks like a fun game! :smile3: Mind if I join in?

Is the quote from August Rush? I'm not very familiar with the film, but it's the only movie about music that I know Chryso has only seen once :think2:


Oh, please do join in, Sylvanna. The more the merrier. :)


I think you're right about that movie, too. I looked up the quote when I didn't recognize it.

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Sylvanna Imbris

Thanks! :proud:

Here's one I really like:


"Short people have long faces and long people have short faces. Big people have little humor, and little people have no humor at all."


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Ancilla Domini

Singing in the rain? :winner:  


(Slides a $100 bill across the counter. Hey, psst: Give us a quote I can guess, ok?) :dance:

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Discipulus Romae

will try  :smile4:


"Science in the modern world has many uses; its chief use, however, is to provide long words to cover the errors of the rich."

-who in where?

good luck  :) 

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Well, I don't know the quote, but I was going to say that in August Rush, there is a scene where the kid is playing the piano, and they have him pressing the keys going one direction, and they used sound effects with the notes going the wrong way! I don't remember if he was hitting them in ascending order and the soundtrack had them descending or vise versa, but I remember that I had enjoyed the movie until they did that! :doh: Seriously, when your whole movie is about music, how do you mess up something like that!


Sorry, that was a tangent! I just figured since someone quoted August Rush.... ;)

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