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The Third Order Life... Sort Of


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oh good heavens!   More and more this sounds like trying to get your invitation into Hogwarts!


Can you find a local Franciscan Friary or Monastery of Nuns and ask them to make a few phone calls?  That's what usually works for us......



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The national OFS lady is being very helpful. Hopefully I shall hear back from her tomorrow. 



And yes, this is exactly like trying to get my invitation into Hogwarts! :cry:

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MargaretTeresa, this has happened in my community more times than I want to admit.  :blush:


Because I am the contact person :blush: :blush:   Please don't take it personally...


Seculars are generally just really bad with stuff like this....especially when we don't know someone is trying to get hold of us....

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LOL. Yeah... I'm cutting slack. It's just so frustrating since I'll probably be moving mid-formation for anyone now and everything. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

After 20 years in a third order I must say that the greatest benefit is the rule.  People come and go, community has it's ups and downs, formation is inconsistent, but the rule is always there as a guiding light.  Committing the the rule has pulled me through the dark times.

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After 20 years in a third order I must say that the greatest benefit is the rule.  People come and go, community has it's ups and downs, formation is inconsistent, but the rule is always there as a guiding light.  Committing the the rule has pulled me through the dark times.


What third order are you a part of? Why did you decide them? 

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What third order are you a part of? Why did you decide them? 


Lay Carmelite.  Much like those entering religious life, I was attracted to the Carmelite saints.  I mostly read their writings, understood them, and various quotes would pop into my head in different circumstances.  Our Carmelite community is not stable, however the secular Franciscan one is and while I have been to it several times with a relative AND  much is similar if not identical to how the Carmelites run their meetings, the attraction is just not there.  Truly, it is a specific calling to a third order just as it is to become a sister, nun, friar, monk, etc.  Follow your attraction and don't be tempted to just go with what appears to be an active or "the best" community.

Edited by manymarys
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Lay Carmelite.  Much like those entering religious life, I was attracted to the Carmelite saints.  I mostly read their writings, understood them, and various quotes would pop into my head in different circumstances.  Our Carmelite community is not stable, however the secular Franciscan one is and while I have been to it several times with a relative AND  much is similar if not identical to how the Carmelites run their meetings, the attraction is just not there.  Truly, it is a specific calling to a third order just as it is to become a sister, nun, friar, monk, etc.  Follow your attraction and don't be tempted to just go with what appears to be an active or "the best" community.

Yeah, I've been told that about the attraction to a community.


In other news, have left two messages for the OFS lady. Still no return call. :cry:

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After not hearing back still from the contact the national OFS gave me, I've emailed the national vocations lady back.

Hopefully this time I get some useful news.


I'm supposed to talk to the sister who coordinates the area Cooperators (Pauline) next week. All should go well, but I know it's going to be a crazy week thanks to work.


I hope everyone is having a great start to the New Year! :)

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Book I need is ordered, I'm waiting on one book from the nunnies, but my Cooperator inquiry sessions are about to be underway.


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