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The Third Order Life... Sort Of


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Yes, yes, I know I've been quiet for a while. I've discerned out of nunny-dom but I'm discerning third order.


I'm discerning the Pauline Cooperators. (Raise your hand if you're surprised! rotfl ) However, I'm also sort of interested in the secular Franciscans and the Salesian third-order. (KrissyLou would now say I'm being a third order flirt instead of a nun-flirt LOL)


The problem I keep running into is NOT HEARING BACK. I've been told that the email with info is on the way... but I never get it. It's very frustrating. 


Anyone else discerning third orders have the same issue?



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Thankfully, no.  The woman who heads up the Secular Franciscan Order in my diocese is a member of my parish and I know her pretty well.  I determined that now was not the best time for me to join because I'm working on my degree full-time, but I know she's there.


Are you sure you've got the correct contact information?  The responsibilities of chapter leader change from time to time and someone else may have been appointed for the time being.  If everything else fails, I'd recommend contacting your diocese because all secular orders (that are legit) have to be approved by the Bishop.  The office would probably be able to help you out.

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I'm in a different Secular Order, but it can happen for exactly the reason Mater stated above (and because we're frighteningly human!)


If you aren't getting a response in a reasonable time, see if there is a community of men or women (friars, sisters, nuns, whatever) in your diocese (or state) (or in general) and contact them by phone, email or letter. Just tell them you are interested in learning more, that you've tried xyz, and that you'd like someone to contact you about it.  Our community has a website, but sometimes the contact email doesn't work properly... if people contact the Nuns in our city or our Provincial Deligate (the person responsible for all the Seculars in our part of the USA), they will contact us and we can get back to them.


If you REALLY get stuck, MargaretTeresa, send me a PM and I'll see if I can find you a contact... have done this for many a person who contacted us out of desperation when they couldn't get hold of the secular/lay group they wanted. 


And pray. :)

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If you sent them an email, it's possible it ended up in somebody's email trash.


I'd follow it up with a phone call to someone in the Franciscan order and/or a hard copy letter to your SFO fraternity.... because that is what it takes, sometimes, frankly.


Usually we'll get back to someone if we get the letter... but sometimes that takes a bit of work (for those who are Harry Potter fans, it's kind of like getting the letter about Hogwarts delivered... sheesh it is a lot of work!)


And pray!


But seriously, if you aren't getting through, contact someone ELSE in the province and ask them to intercede....



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Thanks so much!




For those of you in Third Orders, what is the best part about it? What are the challenges?

Edited by MargaretTeresa
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Thanks so much!




For those of you in Third Orders, what is the best part about it? What are the challenges?


I'm not in a third order yet but I think the best part is that you get to keep the spirituality that you feel attracted to while still continuing to serve in your home parish.  You wouldn't be able to do that in a religious order (not that that would keep me from entering if God was calling me).  I am also still looking into becoming a CV and you have the freedom to join a third (or secular) order.  :)

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Easier said than done, but keep knocking MT! Our Lord said knock & the door will be opened unto you...I don't think He specified how long it could take :)

Edited by brandelynmarie
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Thanks so much!




For those of you in Third Orders, what is the best part about it? What are the challenges?


Good question, MT!!!!





This is a combination of what is true for me AND of comments I have heard from others in formation....


Best part of it....


+1 Being able to live out the spirituality of my religious tradition as a lay woman

+2 Opportunities to practice charity and interact with others seeking God

+3 Sharing community with people who have similar spiritual leanings

+4 Knowing there are others who have already done what I am trying to learn to do - role models

+5 Opportunities for good formation as Catholic and in the spirituality of our tradition

+6 Association with priests, brothers, nuns and sisters who are part of our tradition

+7 Accountability to others - to live the life I committed to live

+8 Freedom to live out the lifestyle in a way that works for ME as a lay woman





-1 We only physically connect once a month (with rare exceptions)

-2 Sometimes the others in the Community can drive me crazy!!!!!

-3 Sometimes the monthly meetings can be booooooring

-4 If involved with formation (as I am) limited time to connect with other professed members at meetings

-5 Sometimes the depth and breadth the religious tradition wants new members to cover can be a little daunting... a LOT to read and study

-6 Learning to make time for -- and TAKE the time for -- regular prayer and study

-7 Being a lay member of an institute can feel kind of lonely sometimes

-8 Almost too MUCH freedom to structure my spiritual life....



And I'll think about it a bit more, and see if more occurs to me..... and I'll answer questions, too!

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AnneLine, you brought up some REALLY interesting points... especially the too much freedom for structuring spiritual life. I know that feeling! LOL.

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:woot: Heard back from Cooperators!  :bounce:

She's having issues getting all the stuff together and is having to consult with another sister :hehe:


I love when my nunnies call me. :) 


Funny: She accidentally called me "sister." rotfl


Oh, I love nunnies.  :w00t:

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So. Tried to call the OFS number. It's basically an answering machine telling me to leave my info.

Emailed the national people. No response so far.


Awaiting the first of the Cooperators sessions. I'm told it's on the way. 


Prayers that I have some extra patience, please.

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