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False Ideas About Men


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This thread is lacking in that it is not centered around me.


A false idea about threads is that they should not always be about me. This falsehood was created and is headed by the Anti-Awesome People Like FP League, lead by the evil leader BlazeingStar, more commonly known by her nickname, "OMG I love Santa".


I think you're confusing "me" with me.

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Not The Philosopher

I think you're confusing "me" with me.


The cognitive significance/referential nature of indexicals like "me" or "now" or "there" remains a vexed topic in philosophy of language, and was the topic for my final undergrad paper. Are you sure you want to go down this road?

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This thread is lacking in that it is not centered around me.

A false idea about threads is that they should not always be about me. This falsehood was created and is headed by the Anti-Awesome People Like FP League, lead by the evil leader BlazeingStar, more commonly known by her nickname, "OMG I love Santa".

That's a lie.
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Semper Catholic

Oft times the truth can seem cliche .... I am certain that there are those these days who think the Holy Family is cliche, you know, strong father providing for the family, obedient mother, etc.


I got enough of the patriarchal BS when I was in trashcanistan. I treat my fiancee as an equal. All that comes from fear of possibly losing power to another group of people. False rules made true because "that's the way God wants it."
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southern california guy

I got enough of the patriarchal BS when I was in trashcanistan. I treat my fiancee as an equal. All that comes from fear of possibly losing power to another group of people. False rules made true because "that's the way God wants it."


Yeah, but I don't think that your fiancee is a real man unless she is decent at throwing a football.

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This thread is lacking in that it is not centered around me.


A false idea about threads is that they should not always be about me. This falsehood was created and is headed by the Anti-Awesome People Like FP League, lead by the evil leader BlazeingStar, more commonly known by her nickname, "OMG I love Santa".


I would love to talk about you! 


Maybe you should stop by my house some time for afternoon tea.

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There is a solution. Girls can be princess engineers. There's nothing wrong with being fabulous while solving the worlds mathematical and engineering problems.

Princesses are so passé. So are engineers. Would empress nurse practitioner work?

Yeah, but I don't think that your fiancee is a real man unless she is decent at throwing a football.

Please. Football? We don't need no stinkin' football!. I'd prefer a good roundhouse, myself.
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southern california guy

Princesses are so passé. So are engineers. Would empress nurse practitioner work?

Please. Football? We don't need no stinkin' football!. I'd prefer a good roundhouse, myself.


People think that engineers make a lot of money -- even if they don't...


And real men like football!  :bananarap: Roundhouses hurt too much.. :blink:

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Well there is that whole pain thing.  But what is the saying? Pain is just weakness leaving the body?  Yeah! That!  :fight:

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The cognitive significance/referential nature of indexicals like "me" or "now" or "there" remains a vexed topic in philosophy of language, and was the topic for my final undergrad paper. Are you sure you want to go down this road?




Btw FP, you're more than welcome to hang out with Jeff and I (your uncles in Christ) whenever you're in the Houston area. We can have slumber parties and drink tons of tea!

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southern california guy

Well there is that whole pain thing.  But what is the saying? Pain is just weakness leaving the body?  Yeah! That!  :fight:


I don't prescribe to that theory.. 


But seriously I think that best way to get your kids to be athletic is to go and throw a ball with them, throw a football, shoot baskets, play tennis, kick a soccer ball, etc.  I'm always surprised by the number of parents who will take their kids skating -- but just sit and watch and never go out an try it themselves.  My parents always would -- even if they were no good.

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Btw FP, you're more than welcome to hang out with Jeff and I (your uncles in Christ) whenever you're in the Houston area. We can have slumber parties and drink tons of tea!


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