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Bbc Series: The Monastery


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Thank you for sharing the series! I watched it all today and I thought it was pretty great. It was really moving to see their transformations! Now if only everyone could have the chance to visit a monastery!  :proud:


Did any of the scenes/men's experiences stand out for you?   


I was really struck by the way the abbot very gently yet firmly prodded Nick to look at how he was avoiding the decision about going on for ordination and/or really cultivating a relationship with God, for all his study ABOUT God and religion and monasticism.  I remember my mother at one point saying in reference to a radio interview with a guy who taught Theology or Religious Studies (not sure which) at a big university, "You know, it's odd, AnneLine, I swear he knows all ABOUT God, but doesnt' have a clue about having a RELATIONSHIP with God."  And I had to agree with her.


I was also really struck by the suggestion of Fr. Mark to Anthoney (the Black guy) that he apologize to Gary (the Irish Protestant guy) for blowing off what he had said. (it's in Part 9)  I was a little taken aback at first, because it did seem that Gary had been rude... but I saw what Fr. Mark was getting at... because.... by making that move towards reconciliation, by humbly admitting his OWN part in the situation, it allowed the two of them to get close enough for some real sharing and deepening... and some healing.


Sometimes, I think a lot of us on Phatmass could learn a lot from that.... myself first of all....




Did any sections of the video really talk to any of the rest of you?

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Antigonos, there are a few places in the Galilee where you could go to make a retreat. I don't know if that is too far for you, though. The Little Sisters of Jesus in the Old City also welcome visitors but it's obviously not tranquil there - the LSJs try to place themselves 'in the heart of the world', which could mean anything from their icon workshop on the Via Dolorosa to the night shift in a soap factory. It's very interesting to talk to them about meditation and mental prayer, perhaps because of this highly unusual dimension of their contemplative life. They have a lovely chapel if you're ever passing by.

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