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Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ - Vocation Stories


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One that celebrates and has as part of its liturgy and spirituality the active demonstration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


from wiki:

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal is a movement within the Catholic Church. While the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church makes no distinction between churches, some charismatic parishes may practice "worship outside of Mass," including prayer meetings featuring alleged prophecyfaith healing and glossolalia. Proponents of the charismatic experience put forth the belief that certain charismata (a Greek word for gifts), bestowed by the Holy Spirit, such as the abilities to pray in tongues and to heal (which Christians generally believe existed in the early Church as described in the Bible) should still be practiced today.


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Yeah probably not a good fit for me...


I giggled at this because that is my same reaction. I'm a traditional lady. 

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You never know ... other than being charismatic both orders are pretty traditional.  I know sisters in both and they are wonderful.

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You never know ... other than being charismatic both orders are pretty traditional.  I know sisters in both and they are wonderful.


They seem wonderful! I just don't think I'd fit well in a charismatic community.

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I actually visited the Disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ at one point in my discernment. Though I only really got to know 2 of them and not much discernment took place on that visit sadly. At the time I thought I would go back later but I never did and now I dont need to :) :hehe:


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