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Poor Clares Of Galway


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It's too short! Oh, and just because I feel like posting it embedded in case anyone prefers it that way and because I can:




(I did that by typing (except without the asterisks): [*media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh--GD7U6-k[/*media] You can do the same thing to make spoilers, I think, except that you would type "spoiler" in the place of "media".)


[spoiler]This is a test of what I just wrote above, because I haven't actually tried it before.[/spoiler]


Added after previewing: The fact the video showed up above twice is weird. I don't know what's going on. Here is an experiment:



Added after experimenting: Okay, what I think is going on is that when you cut and paste a URL, it automatically becomes a link. When you put those HTML tags around it, it stops being a link. When the text is not a link, it will show up as an embedded video. When it is a link (when you just cut and paste it), it will not show up as an embedded video. When I did the bit above where the Poor Clares' video shows up for the second time, I was pasting it in its not-a-link form, so it appeared as a video. Because the tags were modified so that they wouldn't work for purposes of demonstration, they show up too. In the last video in the post, I didn't put in any tags at all, because they aren't necessary in the not-a-link form of the URL.


(Can you tell I started out as a science major and now I've just switched breed of science?)

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