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Different Charisms


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Hi there to all you lovely discerners! As some of you may know, I have my certification in Spiritual Direction.
I'd like to put together a list of different charisms for my clients in discernment. I'd like to include a brief description or specific words that might draw a person to one charism/spirituality over another. I thought coming here would be a great resource. I'd love your thoughts and input. I'm going to list what I have, but I know there are literally hundreds. I'm trying to keep it to the top 15 (if possible).

ANYTHING you might be able to offer would be so helpful!

God's blessings on you all! Thank you!


This is the list I have so far:

Contemplative (within the specific charism, but I do think it's important to see the difference between contemplative/apostolic spirituality)
Sacred Heart
Divine Mercy

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Each Order and individual congregation has its own Charisms.   Here are some from communities that I have either been in or have looked into: 














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Here is what I think when I see these words:


Benedictine: balance, liturgy
Carmelite: semi-eremitic, penance
Dominican: study, preaching, theology
Franciscan: joy, simplicity, poverty
Contemplative (within the specific charism, but I do think it's important to see the difference between contemplative/apostolic spirituality): prayer, silence
Ignatian: military [yeah, thats what comes to mind!], study, theology, defense of the faith
Marian: [too much here]
Augustine: [i have no associations with this, because i know only one Augustinian community, and they're... not typical]
Cistercian: work on the land, strict, balance, silence ["hardcore Benedictines" is actually what comes to mind!]
Sacred Heart: [too much here]
Divine Mercy: [too much here]


You forgot Carthusians: solitude, desert, silence.

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Wait, I thought charism and spirituality are two distinct qualities? A charism and a spirituality are not the same thing. 


Benedictine, Dominican, Carmelite, Franciscan, etc. are not charisms; they are spiritualities. 


The Sisters of Life have the charism of Life: "To protect and enhance the sacredness of every human life" and the spirituality of St. Augustine. 



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ToJesusMyHeart is right .... SNJM you listed primarily spiritualities.  Although -- contemplative is a characteristic, not a spirituality.  And I am not 100% sure if I would call Sacred Heart / Divine Mercy spiritualities (Marian -- kind of, but all the other ones listed are based on the spirituality of a particular founder).


SNJM ... maybe the school where you got your certification can help you get that list together and understand the difference?  I know many programs include a general course on spiritualities as part of the program.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks everybody! I do have a good list, but not  necessarily geared for those in discernment and I was hoping I would get some feedback from  those in actual discernment, experiencing the different spiritualities and charisms on their own. Technically, some of what I mentioned are indeed devotions (Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy being two) and while charism and spirituality are technically two different things they can indeed meld. One definition I have (which comes from a long Greek definition) says: '...it is a theological term for the extraordinary graces given to individual Christians for the good of others."  So, while the Sisters of Life have that definite "charism" of caring for life, I am sure there is a specific "spirituality" they follow and embrace.


A better example would be a Benedictine living cloistered life. Through the Rule of Benedict, hospitality is important. The community, through the foundress(es) have determined they have the charism to welcome people of all walks of life and offer spiritual direction. This would be a natural blending of a spirituality and a charism. 


I'm sorry if I did not make this more clear. I am hoping that I can just get some natural and free expressions from some of you regarding these topics. Any thoughts, words (like Curiousing did) are so helpful! Please don't panic, I'm not going to hand out an "official" document; I'm going to use some of this for reflection and introspection for some of my clients. 


Thank you again, God bless you!





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Dear SNJM,  You are so humble and so gracious..........


Charisms are gifts inspired by the Holy Spirit that Founders of Orders, foundresses of congregations and any person living a devout life gives to the Church and the world.  Spiritualty and charism are  not necessarily mutually exclusive terms.  A spirituality is made up of one or more (maybe several charisms.)  Just look at Saints and the Founders of the Orders, and ask what have they left as a legacy for the Church and for their followers?  St, Francis was humble (humility) he lived the life of the poor (poverty) he loved the church (ecclesial), he lived the Gospel values in an extra special way, (evangelical), etc. 

There can be many charisms for each Saint or each Order.


Although Divine Mercy is a devotion, showing mercy or being merciful is a charism.  What does the Sacred Heart devotion inspire its followers with?  Love.  Charity, love of God and Neighbor, can be charisms.  Marian, meaning a special devotion to Our Lady, under any of her numerous titles, is a charism. 


Have fun making your list, start with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and branch out from there.  This is a great idea for someone who spiritually directs others.  May I borrow this idea?  I would love to make a list.


God bless!!




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Absolutely! I share EVERYTHING! It drives me crazy when someone has a great resource and won't share. Please use whatever may be helpful to you! 


God bless!



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It does look like you have spiritualities not really charisms. For example both the Nashville Dominicans Hawthorne Dominicans have a Dominican spirituality. However they have different charisms and those charisms are expressed in their apostolates. In my opinion in discernment it is important to figure out what spirituality attracts you and then look at the charisms within that spirituality.

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I think we need definitions.


What is a "spirituality"?


What is a "charism"?


What is an "apostolate"?


And how are all these things different? How are they mutually influential?


I'm not trying to hijack your thread, SNJM, just to get clarity in a place I think people are asking for it. But if this would be better worked out in a different thread so that you can get an answer to your original question without too much interference in between, just say so and I'll move it elsewhere!

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