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Benedictines Of Mary

Ancilla Domini

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I wouldn't worry too much about the letters I'm sure they have gotten much weirder letters.
I once left such an awkward email the local community couldn't even figure out my name and had to ask the VD :blush:

Oh no! :hehe2:

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Ancilla Domini

I once left such an awkward email the local community couldn't even figure out my name and had to ask the VD :blush:


How shocking! :hehe2:


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I love this community, from their website. Any idea if they might be open to considering discerners slightly older than 28?


Also, on their "contact us" form, they suggest sending snail mail to the Novice Mistress. How does one address a Novice Mistress - will "Dear Sister" do, or should there be more formality?


I am friends with someone who was discerning with this community and they were willing to accept her even though she was 32.  I think they look at it on a case-by-case basis.  ;)

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I am friends with someone who was discerning with this community and they were willing to accept her even though she was 32.  I think they look at it on a case-by-case basis.  ;)

Wow! Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ancilla Domini

It looks like I joined phatmass too late in the game to catch any of the VS'ers discerning with the Benedictines of Mary. =( I guess they all entered! :D

I'd love to meet people who have visited them, because I'd like to hear about their stays there. :)

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Mother Cecilia has told me personally that they will indeed look at the person - as stated above - on an individual basis & will remain open to the Holy Spirit. I cannot encourage the discerned out there enough to please please please persevere!

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Venues posted a link in her original reply to a thread where Inpersonachriste talks about her visit to the Benedictines.


I've been looking at them too, and it seems that information is a bit scarce! I suppose we will just have to visit to find out what visits are like.  :hehe:


Do visit them ;) I know their isn't a ton of information online, but If you are interested in spending a quiet week with beautiful Christ following women then that is the place you should be.


Also contact them, their answers aren't immediate, but they are really descriptive and let you get a feel for it.

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Do visit them ;) I know their isn't a ton of information online, but If you are interested in spending a quiet week with beautiful Christ following women then that is the place you should be.


Also contact them, their answers aren't immediate, but they are really descriptive and let you get a feel for it.


Unfortunately I'm a recent convert (almost one year!), and the sisters ask that vocational inquirers be Catholic for at least two years before writing them. So I won't get to visit them for awhile. I think that's very wise of them to request. It gives me the chance to grow more, live my current vocation as a single person, all the while "keeping an eye on" these beautiful sisters. ;)


It is however wonderful to hear little tid bits about them! I certainly enjoyed reading about your week with them.

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Unfortunately I'm a recent convert (almost one year!), and the sisters ask that vocational inquirers be Catholic for at least two years before writing them. So I won't get to visit them for awhile. I think that's very wise of them to request. It gives me the chance to grow more, live my current vocation as a single person, all the while "keeping an eye on" these beautiful sisters. ;)


It is however wonderful to hear little tid bits about them! I certainly enjoyed reading about your week with them.


Congratulations on your upcoming conversion birthday! Waiting is hard but you're not behind!  :bounce:

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Hello, all.


From posts that I read before I joined VS, I know that a few of you have contacted or visited the Benedictines of Mary. Are there any of you here who are still considering them? This thread is for anything related to the Benedictines of Mary - pictures, videos, personal experiences, etc. I haven't yet met anyone who is considering them, and I would be happy to talk about them here with others.


I don't know if anyone has posted a thread like this before, (it's very likely that someone has) but I haven't seen it.


In Corde Matris,


Ancilla Domini

I'm scheduled to visit this spring! :woot:


I don't know why, either! They sent an in-depth questionnaire for me to fill out before hand and I thought my responses were pretty crappy but they only said "When can you come?"

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Ancilla Domini

I'm scheduled to visit this spring! :woot:


I don't know why, either! They sent an in-depth questionnaire for me to fill out before hand and I thought my responses were pretty crappy but they only said "When can you come?"


Some of those questions are SO hard! Did you have the list of qualities that you had to rate yourself on (scale of 1-5)? Those were tough...

They must just have the questionnaires to assess your eligibility and find out some stuff about you, because I definitely didn't do that brilliantly on the questionnaire, but they sent me the second one immediately! :D


OH MY GOSH, YOU MUST BE SO EXCITED!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: I wish I were visiting this spring!! I have to wait, though. :cry:

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Some of those questions are SO hard! Did you have the list of qualities that you had to rate yourself on (scale of 1-5)? Those were tough...

They must just have the questionnaires to assess your eligibility and find out some stuff about you, because I definitely didn't do that brilliantly on the questionnaire, but they sent me the second one immediately! :D


OH MY GOSH, YOU MUST BE SO EXCITED!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: I wish I were visiting this spring!! I have to wait, though. :cry:

They didn't send a second one. They must have sent me a different form? Yes, I had to rate myself ("I dunno" wasn't one of the options), and then I felt I should probably explain my ratings so they would know why I imagined that I earned a 2 here, a 4 there... :smile2:


I'm sorry you have to wait. :cry3: I'm just looking, though; I'm not taking anybody's spot as a postulant just yet.

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Unfortunately I'm a recent convert (almost one year!), and the sisters ask that vocational inquirers be Catholic for at least two years before writing them. So I won't get to visit them for awhile. I think that's very wise of them to request. It gives me the chance to grow more, live my current vocation as a single person, all the while "keeping an eye on" these beautiful sisters. ;)


It is however wonderful to hear little tid bits about them! I certainly enjoyed reading about your week with them.


Welcome to the church!

And I am glad you were pleased to hear about my week with them. I know I was pretty vague, but in that moment that was all I really could talk about with them. I went with the thought of just enjoying myself, and not putting pressure on myself to make a vocational decision.

And the love I found in just visiting for the sake of my faith was more than I could have ever hoped for.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ancilla Domini

About to send in my second visit questionnaire. It was sooo hard to fill out! I hope I can visit them some time this year - they said that once I turn 16 and send in my questionnaire, we'll start figuring out when the best time to visit is. I'm trying to get my mother to let me visit in August or July. :)

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