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Noah Film

mortify ii

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Basilisa Marie

The sun danced at Fatima, so why not a great flood too?


That's the thing - we're allowed to either believe or not believe that those things literally happened in the way they're described, and that's okay. Did Noah's flood cover the whole Earth? Maybe. Do we have records of huge floods throughout history? Yes.  It's not so important to Catholics that we believe that the story of Noah is a literal, historical account. To other Christian groups, that stuff is important, because for them, it's part of their understanding of what makes the Bible authentic.  What's more important for us Catholics is that we believe that God made a covenant with Noah, that God is just and merciful, that God punishes the wicked and aids the faithful, etc.  If it makes more sense to you that the great flood happened just like it says in the Bible, that's fine, and you shouldn't let anyone tell you that you're doing something bad by thinking so. :) 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I would like to see this movie at the cinemas, i haven't seen a movie for a long time, i try on the odd occasion but usually bail before the end of the movie. I love our God and hopefully this movie helps other people to love God also.

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First of all, regardless of how biblically or scientifically accurate this movie turns out to be, it looks epic because is has some great actors and obviously a higher budget than what a small potatoes Christian movie company could crank out. Russell Crowe just made my week by being Noah, I'm super excited about the movie.
In answer to many comments, if we tried to escape on a a wooden ark because the world ight end in fire, would there not be so much oil/gasoline/flammable substances from all the destroyed structures that perhaps even the water could burn?
If we tried to go underground with seeds, they would have to be underground ones, because what of the sunlight needed for plants?
Was the world at this point in time still believed to be one land (pangaea)? That might effect the ideas about the inhabitants.
I like the fact the Catholic are not required to believe one or the other side of a lot of different arguments as well. For example old vs. young earth, literal vs. spiritual interpretation, but can use the most reasonable means to decide on an issue.

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My five reasons for intending to watch this movie:


1. Emma Watson.

2. Emma Watson talking in her beautiful accent.

3. Emma Watson's beautiful hair.

4. Russell Crowe talking to and interacting with Emma Watson.

5. Now every time I read the story of Noah I'll think of Emma Watson and how much she enhances the story.

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Just looking at the above picture of Russel Crowe is enough to make me miss the movie. Two things come to mind, when did Noah have the time to find a barber to shave his head, and can he pull it off with his New Zealand accent ? At best he is a second rate actor, I have never seen anything he has been in that he was believable in, the worse being the gladiator movie he did followed by the one where he was the mayor and Mark Wahlberg was the cop in....... shewwww



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Just looking at the above picture of Russel Crowe is enough to make me miss the movie. Two things come to mind, when did Noah have the time to find a barber to shave his head, and can he pull it off with his New Zealand accent ? At best he is a second rate actor, I have never seen anything he has been in that he was believable in, the worse being the gladiator movie he did followed by the one where he was the mayor and Mark Wahlberg was the cop in....... shewwww


He wasn't a good singer, but I believe he was an extremely convincing actor and did a great job at being a menacing, impenetrable character as Javert in Les Miserables. That's just my opinion. Edited by Mary+Immaculate<3
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