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Isaiah Ch 11 V6


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I really enjoy TV programs about our animal kingdom- but I cannot bear to watch an animal being hunted and killed by another for food - I change channels at that point.

Something has long intrigued me.  Were animals carnivorous prior to The Fall - did one species hunt another for food.  In Isaiah Ch 11 Verse 6:


3"Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them."  Does this mean that when our bodies are resurrected, animals will no longer hunt and kill each other for food and is this a restoration of what existed prior to The Fall?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Unsure but i vaguley remember reading a scriptural verse that says something like " you will not return to the Garden of Eden." What i get out of that is we have a new destination now, the kingdom of heaven.

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Hi Tab :) - undoubtedly our destination is eternity and Heaven.


What I was really wondering about however was our animal kingdom and whether one species hunted another species for food before the Fall of Adam and Eve, or did carnivorous behaviour in our animal kingdom amongst some species only eventuate after the Fall.

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I think the verse is symbolic - there will be no more aggression between humans.


Thank you, I understand what you are saying.  Can you perhaps answer my question, however, were animals (some of them) carnivorous before The Fall or only after? 


Undoubtedly, the whole of creation was affected by The Fall and in St. Paul we read :


Romans Ch8 http://www.drbo.org/chapter/52008.htm   [22] For we know that every creature groaneth and travaileth in pain, even till now. [23] And not only it, but ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of our body. "   


I have long wondered if the carnivores in the animal kingdom were carnivores (mortally aggressive) before The Fall in order to survive - or only after.

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The rabbis teach that we were indeed all vegetarians before the Fall. (All two of us.) And that animals lived together in harmony. I am less sure of whether Judaism claims that, once the Messiah has come, the world will return to such a state, but I believe it does.


Which is a shame, cuz I love me some venison.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

So God cursed the earth and said all it would produce was brambles and thickets and women would have the pangs of child birth and man would till the soil, until Yaweh says otherwise. But also who says we won't be eating after the resurrection, i can't speak either way yes or no i have come across no church doctrine on the matter nore have i read anything in holy scripture about it, although i think it says we will no longer hunger nore thirst, whether this means we all have enough to eat and drink or we don't eat or drink i can't say? 

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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  • 2 weeks later...

Animals were definitely carnivores before the fall. In Genesis 2, where Adam names every animal, he gives some of them names to the effect of "monster that devours flesh" and other similar things like that which clearly imply that the animal violently eats other animals.  

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I can't see how animals would have been cursed (into becoming carnivorous) because of the actions of Adam and Eve. And why would God (or our sin) have turned some animals carnivorous but not others?


I think He created them the way he created them. He created some with grinder teeth for eating vegetation and some with fangs.



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