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Religious Scapular


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While the Franciscan community I was with explained the privilege and beautiful symbolism of wearing the scapular, we were never instructed not to sit on them  Those of us who were obsessive-compulsive neatniks (and didn't want the inevitable wrinkles) pulled them to the side.  Since they were habit-length, it also mitigated the mild choking sensation :wacko: that sometimes occurred if you sat on them to tightly!



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Pia Jesu,  I was in a community that also wore a scapular.  Much the same as you, they didn't teach us not to sit on it, but many did not.  In this community, the entire habit and veil were blessed at the Investiture ceremony and we were instructed to kiss EACH article of clothing when dressing in the morning and there were prayers to be said each day as we put on each article - habit, scapular, veil, etc.  But, most of us did wear the scapular of Mount Carmel underneath our habits.

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