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Apostasy, Heresy, Schism?

Guest :: Good Friday ::

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Guest :: Good Friday ::

First of all, thanks to Cappie for answering my previous question about latae sententiae excommunication. Now that I know what it's actually called, and what it entails, I have a more specific question about it.

To be frank, I have committed either the sin of apostasy, heresy or schism (perhaps all three, perhaps a combination or only one, I'm not entirely sure). Now, after Cappie answered my question, I went ahead and put "latae sententiae" into Google, and I found a table of excommunications. That table said that, according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, apostasy, heresy or schism incurs latae sententiae excommunication.

My question is, first of all, is that correct, and second of all does that mean that I must confess to my bishop or a neighboring bishop in order to receive absolution and be admitted to the Sacraments?

Sorry for the follow-up question, but this is very important.

- Nathan

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It is correct, however the Holy see does give discression to Bishops to deligate to priests the power to lift the excommunication.
In the case of someone who has formally left the Catholic Church and become a communicant member of another denomination e.g. Mormans, Jehovah Witnesses, Presbyterians, etc and now wants to return to the Catholic Church in Australia a priest can hear the confession of that person and reconcile the person with the Church. A formal profession of Faith is also required during the Mass similar to the one for welcoming someone into the Church and a note is made in the Baptismal Register that the person has rejoined the Catholic Church. Also in Australia a priest may absolve someone who commits an abortion, whereas if a priest leaves the Church and gets married withpot permission then the removal of that censure is left to the Holy See. As I have said you need to talk to your local priest.

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