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Anyone Familiar With The Psychology Test Questions?


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Or as one of the Sisters who DID make it (and is still there 30+ years later) told me when I was about to take it:


Look, just don't get too freaked over any of the questions. 


She then said, one of the questions was something like: 


T / F :   "If I am on a tall building, sometimes I think I would like to fly" 


I said Yes.  They took me.


She was right, because it is the COMBINATION of odd things that it flags. 


Some people wanna fly, others wanna walk.  Just put it up to a creative God.  If that God wants you in, you'll get in!

Edited by AnneLine
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Just wanted to tell you...that before I entered, the VD shared my psychological profile with me.  It was actually very interesting!

The community didn't have a prescribed "norm"...but just wanted to get to know me a little better.  Curiousing's advice not to

"overthink" the questions is excellent advice!  Again...you'll be just fine!

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Individual communities require various Psychological types of tests.
I think one of the more common, is the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
It is basically just a personality type questionare. Be yourself, and answer the questions with the first impulse which comes into your head. Do not overthink the answers. Whichever tests your are required to take, just trust that God has your best interest at heart, always. Try to relax and just go with the process. I would ask if someone will be going over the results with you.

In our Diocese, Psychological testing is standard for all Seminarians and any men or women going through the process of applying to an Order. Qualities they are looking at are stability, maturity, intelligence, emotional balance, etc. The Sister who worked with me in the the Vocations office did go through the various tests and their results. She said that anyone who would make a good partner in marriage will make a good religious.

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My test asked me: "True or false? Sometimes, my soul leaves my body."



















Well, actually... When I die...

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Hi CT.....

 'Sometimes my soul leaves my body, T/F' is not a question in the way you have understood it. It is a question designed to flag up those who may have psychotic tendencies.


Psychologists know that there is a strong correlation between those who report such experiences and psychotic traits.


It is one of the reasons I don't like these tests, since these are flags and possibilities only, and for a community to take the results as a real indication of something worrisome, is worrisome!


However, since they are used, I echo others advice, don't prepare (you can't) and be yourself.


Exactly. And if anyone wants to understand just how very blurry the religious experience/psychosis line can be, read "When God Talks Back" by Tanya Luhrmann.

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Or as one of the Sisters who DID make it (and is still there 30+ years later) told me when I was about to take it:


Look, just don't get too freaked over any of the questions. 


She then said, one of the questions was something like: 


T / F :   "If I am on a tall building, sometimes I think I would like to fly" 


I said Yes.  They took me.


She was right, because it is the COMBINATION of odd things that it flags. 


Some people wanna fly, others wanna walk.  Just put it up to a creative God.  If that God wants you in, you'll get in!

Can you fly off of this one?


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Can you fly off of this one?



sorry, I can't help myself here... these guys did! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bX61mYcZOw  ahhhhh (although not from the very top! lol)


back on topic, I didn't have to take a psych test for either of the communities I was with, thankfully! might have to next time though :/ thanks for the good advise here! :like:

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