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Phatmass International.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Peace be with you all...


Who want's phatmass fully international, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of phatmass being fully internationally focused and not just  mainly locally(u.s.a) focused.


Onward christian souls.


Jesus iz LORD.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

<edit> perhaps more better put...Why should or shouldn't phatmass attempt to incorporate more international support ?

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You mean its not an international site ? I have seen Nihil post here, and he is from a foreign country, but we still love him... You know they are so foreign in the great white north that they have a sport up there where they sweep the ice in front of a rock, I think its called " Daffy Ball " ..... extreme cold does things to ones mind but it may be something to do with their other national sport " Beer Drinking "



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Phatmass should ONLY be for those who are willing to live in a world of dUSt.


If you find a chalk board that is dUSty, put something nice on it:



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International is a funny thing.


You have FP who "dosn't identify himself as American" yet is the most American white boy that anyone could ever be....short of maybe hunting deer.


You have DuST who lives in Texas...which is barely America and has threatened to ceede several times


You have Catherine who lived in Flordia (also a bizarre facet of America) and now lives in Canada.


You have The 171 and FCC who live in their own world, which I believe is America



Not to mention people who rep NZ, Aussie, Brazil (I think, it was years ago) and a few europeans.  

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Advantage to international: It stresses the catholicity and diversity of the Catholic Church and unifies its members in a mirror of how the Church does in "real life."
Disadvantage: In a setting where for many of the members English is a second language, there can often be confusion in understanding, different cultural terms, different customs. In and of themselves these things are good, but that's not to say that in an online setting there can come disputes, disagreements, misunderstandings, or difficulties seeing eye-to-eye. This happens in every setting, however, and is something which should be dealt with in a mature and Christian manner.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

What if God is calling phatmass to become an international entity at least in the other english speaking nations? And that is why there is some stagnation. The whole new pentecost and all. Just a thought not an order lol. I know very little about a lot. And of course dUSt, fr pontifex, fr cappie, the moderators and Jesus are the Phatmass authorites and i love and respect that. I just wan't to start encouraging more Australians onto phatmass but i kind of fell to let loose i need the phatmass authorities blessing.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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What if God is calling phatmass to become an international entity at least in the other english speaking nations? And that is why there is some stagnation. The whole new pentecost and all. Just a thought not an order lol. I know very little about a lot. And of course dUSt, fr pontifex, fr cappie, the moderators and Jesus are the Phatmass authorites and i love and respect that. I just wan't to start encouraging more Australians onto phatmass but i kind of fell to let loose i need the phatmass authorities blessing.


Tab you are aware that the internet is international and that there have been mods from other countries as well as MANY persons from other countries?


We don't have big bilboards around America promoting Phatmass.  It's soley on Internet search and sometimes DuST's attending the NYCY (I think thats the name) conference.  There is no equivalent in Australia.


You need to be on the boards and READ and search rather than coming up with wild ideas that are, quite frankly ludicrous as they are not based in any fact or reality that the rest of us live with.. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Tab you are aware that the internet is international and that there have been mods from other countries as well as MANY persons from other countries?


We don't have big bilboards around America promoting Phatmass.  It's soley on Internet search and sometimes DuST's attending the NYCY (I think thats the name) conference.  There is no equivalent in Australia.


You need to be on the boards and READ and search rather than coming up with wild ideas that are, quite frankly ludicrous as they are not based in any fact or reality that the rest of us live with.. 



I don't like you, i love you though. :reaper: :bananarap:    How many people is many and how many have you met or know of, i have been here for a fair time now and have seen one random guy from somewhere whose English is rusty, the guy with the bare chested, brown skinned presumably Jesus avatar and 1 Canadian and a few Australians and a few ex U.S. whom have moved to another country, but my point is it's only a small handful as far as i can tell, i may be wrong?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Perhaps i will search every profile on the pham section and find out roughly for myself what is and what isn't also, and no pun intended, perhaps that is what i need to do.


P.s. Also i accept and respect healthy criticism and humble rebuke but not high horse kill the TAB missions, i'm concerned your on a kill the TAB mission.  :(  no pun intended

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I don't like you, i love you though. :reaper: :bananarap:    How many people is many and how many have you met or know of, i have been here for a fair time now and have seen one random guy from somewhere whose English is rusty, the guy with the bare chested, brown skinned presumably Jesus avatar and 1 Canadian and a few Australians and a few ex U.S. whom have moved to another country, but my point is it's only a small handful as far as i can tell, i may be wrong?


Seriously Tab, we don't go around announcing where we're from.  90% of the English oriented Christian and Catholic discussion boards that have survive the past ten years are American.  There was one that didn't survive but was started by a brit and had a decent population from NZ...however even with being centered in Europe most of the people were Americans.


Also, we don't go around advertising our locations.  I live in America, yes, but i don't identify the state.  There are many memebers who are not young who don't advertize where they live.  I know that some of the long time "mom" members actually fully hail from Canada and that some of the married members have moved from NZ or Scotland to be in America with their spouse...again changing the balance.



Perhaps i will search every profile on the pham section and find out roughly for myself what is and what isn't also, and no pun intended, perhaps that is what i need to do.


P.s. Also i accept and respect healthy criticism and humble rebuke but not high horse kill the TAB missions, i'm concerned your on a kill the TAB mission.   :(  no pun intended


I'm not trying to "kill" you, but I am concerned about the rash opinions and garbage that you post on this board and how it may appear to other people...especially when someone would search that very thing.


Also, please remember that not everyone posts on the forum.  Our defense directory has hits from all over the world including countries/continents that are non-english speaking in general like Africa or Asia.  The only thing that may be geared towards America is the "book a rapper" feature, however, Rap is a pretty American genere.

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