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Hopefulbride Update!


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I'm sure many of you remember HopefulBride, she entered the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church after working very hard to pay off her debt. So now for the exciting news! She and the other postulant will be clothed in the habit and start their novitiate Saturday! I'll try to make sure to post some pictures here as soon as the Sister make them available. Please pray for them!

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Also right now on the Sister's Facebook page they have people guessing what new names the novices will receive. A while back HB posted the initials of the names she would like to submit "Sr MAJ Sr MAF Sr MF". Anyone have any guesses on what those might be?

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Also right now on the Sister's Facebook page they have people guessing what new names the novices will receive. A while back HB posted the initials of the names she would like to submit "Sr MAJ Sr MAF Sr MF". Anyone have any guesses on what those might be?


Was she one of the ones who posted in that thread about religious names? If so...

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Also right now on the Sister's Facebook page they have people guessing what new names the novices will receive. A while back HB posted the initials of the names she would like to submit "Sr MAJ Sr MAF Sr MF". Anyone have any guesses on what those might be?


Hmmm... I'm not so sure about the J; perhaps Joanna, M for Mary I would believe, and A for Anne, F for Faustina? Anyways, it will be nice to find out and see the pictures. :) I wonder if in this Order she finds out her name at the ceremony of before? I've heard this is done in some Orders (to find out their name during the ceremony) and I know of cloistered communities that the Sister finds out when she has been told of her being accepted for the Clothing and Reverend Mother tells her the new name she will receive that day.


I was just on their website looking at other ceremony pictures. I can only imagine her excitement for tomorrow!

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I just left a comment o their Facebook page, but I'm not sure it went through


I'm not sure either.


Tomorrow we will find out their new names and titles! So exciting.

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