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Second Retreat (dc's Updates)


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One more thought that I forgot to add:


If you enter in 2015, that means you will be entering in The Year of Consecrated Life!






It's kind of funny because when I still thought I was entering in 2014, I thought, "Wow. I know I'd be becoming a novice in 2015, but it'd be so cool to enter in the year of consecrated life. Oh well."



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VERY PROUD of you, DC!!!!   And also proud that you chose to share this on line.   It is the BEST thing you can do to get the support you need for this year.  


We're here, and we are NOT gonna go away!!!!!


Feel free to reach out to us; if we can help, we will.


Do you have any plans in terms of where you might be considering going to school?   I don't know enough to know if you are still able to see if you can get any scholarship money or similar support -- try to stay away from loans if you POSSIBLY can, because that is the sort of thing that can delay an entrance... and we don't want it to happen to you.  AND it is a really good practice for learning to live simply......





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I found this book on our bookshelf called "Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence"


Very wow


Legitimately awe.some (the book, not the fact that I found the book)

Edited by DiscerningCatholic
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I knew it was there for a while, but I've never looked at it until today. It's good thus far! It's a huge book and there's plenty to contemplate. Holla.

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Dear DC, I'm sorry you're having a rough go of it today.  For a lot of people, for a lot of different reasons, people get weepy this time of the year.  Praying that our Blessed Mother will cover you in her mantle of peace, protection, and perseverance.

Edited by Francis Clare
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When you're having a rough time, sometimes it's just proof that you really need whatever growth God is throwing at you. Thank him for it, journal, and try to find out later what he was getting at. :)

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