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Beautiful New Community In Australia


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Sisters of the Immaculata (http://www.sistersoftheimmaculata.org.au/


I met some of these Sisters in Rome a little while ago, and they were really lovely. I think their main apostolate is spiritual renewal in parishes. Their spirituality is very Marian (obviously!), and they also have a focus on Eucharistic adoration. 


I'm not sure how well-known they are, though, so I thought a link might be of interest to some of the Australian VS-ers here.

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These Sisters are absolutely beautiful and are so needed here in Australia. They run an annual two week mission school for the youth as they work a lot with the youth as well as running youth groups and retreats. It's been incredible that they are almost 5 years old and they already have so many vocations its absolutely beautiful! We are so blessed to have them in Australia.

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Spem in alium

I have heard a little about them and think they're wonderful! They don't seem very well-known as far as I'm aware. Barb, I believe they're based in NSW.

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They were based in Sydney (lewisham) but are now relocating to Tasmania. They aren't very well known because they are only 5 years old. 

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Catherine Therese

I know them personally - they're aMAZing :)

Hearing Mother Mary Therese's vocation story was a real eye-opener! I used to see the second sister to join the community in a work context fairly frequently, and I used to go to university with the third sister to join the community!

Actually, Mother Mary Therese and those two other sisters I mentioned travelled to the US and did "Summer School" with the Congregation to whom I used to belong, during my time there. It was wonderful to spend some time with them and to study with them and to have them living among us at that time.

I've run into a couple of them since returning to Australia, too. Their charism is a much-needed contribution to the New Evangelisation IMHO.

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  • 3 years later...


Does anyone know if they are charismatic? It seems their Summer School has charismatic elements, but i couldn't figure out whether is just something they do at youth events only. 

Are they open to receiving Holy Communion kneeling?


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good point- didn't think of that- saw their picture on the Maternal Heart website and it didn't seem that it's the Benedictine community- but the habit is very beautiful-

btw- what's with the search engine? I can hardly search- it only works like once ever 20mins or something


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