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When I Say This ?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren, sympathiesers and others...


When i say " Greed is the root of all evil and revenge is the seed of the Greed." What does this statement bring up for everyone, if Greed is the forbidden fruit being adam and eve desiring more than what the good LORD had allowed for them and the devil being revenge trying to pay GOD back by deceiving his children. And the whole seed and greed thing is my own revelation and not as far as i'm aware official church doctrine in any manner.


Onward christian souls.


Jesus is LORD.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

One more quick thing, i used to believe that drugs like marijuana and others are the forbidden fruit, perhaps greed was the temptation to take the forbidden fruit but still i'm sensing revenge is the seed for greed. Perhaps any form of greed, i don't know, what do you all think about this.

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You sound like your on marajuna right now.  


No, the most basic breakdown of greed is selfishness.  You cannot name one sin that does not start in selfishness.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

sometimes we need to be selfish, love the lord your God, love thy neighbour as thy self. The big 3, surely the self needs to be included in the equation at least sometimes.

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Not The Philosopher

Pride is indeed the Satanic sin. The sin of Adam and Eve could perhaps more properly be described as the pride of wanting to "be like God" without doing God's will.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Hmmm... I always considered pride to be the deadliest of the seven sins. 



I knew someone was going to bring up the pride thing, respecting yourself considering your own needs without disrespecting others needs isn't pride at all, surely?


And with the whole pride being the worst sin why does saint paul say greed is the root of all evil and why does Jesus say if you break one commandment you break them all, was he just talking about the 10 commandments. And i do believe there are varying degrees of each class of sin and have been led to belive the church teaches this but all malicious and wounding to man so i think sin is sin but there possibly is cause and effect and an origin a root and perhaps even a seed.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

And i'm trying to understand the nature of the beast and the origin of the fall, which of course is the devil, but also i think we all get hurt and that revenge that desire for power that had just been taken away from us wells up into greed perhaps and the desire to have absolute power over ones life. Which as you said before is selfish but not really the seed.

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Catherine Therese

You are right that we need to love ourselves.

But this needs to be understood rightly.

There are two types of self-love; one is a love of self for God's sake. We recognise that God created us out of love, that He loves us, that we are loveable and that we have worth and dignity in His love. This is ORDERED self-love. It is a good thing. Indeed, it is an ESSENTIAL love to have before we can really love others as they should be loved. The logical application to love of others, if we take all of the above to be true about love of self, is that God created others out of love. HE loves them, they are as such inherently loveable. They have worth and dignity in His love. If we love God truly, we love those whom He loves. In such a way we love our neighbour in the same way as we love ourselves… for God's sake, because He first loved.

Then there is disordered self-love; the type of love that indulges oneself, seeks perfection and growth but for the glorification of self rather than God, seeks comfort and pleasure, seeks happiness in things other than God. This is self-love gone horribly wrong, and it is THIS disordered self-love at the root of selfishness. If THIS is how we love ourselves, it is actually impossible to love the neighbour in the same way, because the demands of both of those loves conflict. Often to provide for our neighbour we have to make a sacrifice ourselves… to seek my comfort and his is not necessarily compatible. As such I am in a position where i need to love my neighbour either less than myself or more than myself (this is all based on that faulty idea of what 'love' is, mind) and so I am unable to obey the command to love my neighbour as myself.

Loving oneself does not mean seeking out selfish comforts or pleasures or perfection or power or the esteem of others.

Aim for ORDERED self-love.

Love yourself for GOD'S sake. He loves you. You are loveable. Recognise your worth in the eyes of God and offer that same recognition and love to others.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

When God goes for a short time but is still here because he never really goes because he is always, he is still here in you and me. The short reign of the evil one, if there is one, the time will be shortened for the elect, if it where possible to decieve even the elect.

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