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Discernment Retreat: Prayers?

Kayte Postle

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So I will be going on my first official Come & See this weekend. It's with a community I had admired for awhile, but never considered a vocation with until I had a "Holy Spirit" moment with them a few months back. Now after researching and prayer, I've found myself resonating very much with this community. I'm super jazzed about going. :)


But I do need some prayers. I'm up to my eyeballs in studio/school work, and could really use the weekend to catch up. I'm praying for the grace to go and listen to Christ for the weekend, instead of being constantly thinking about my school work. So please keep me in your prayers over the next few days!


P.s. I'm keeping the community to myself for now (mostly to keep myself in check, and not over obsess).

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Catherine Therese

Prayers for you!

Just a thought... finally letting go and trusting enough to say yes and enter a community takes real trust. (The investment of trust is always worth it - He is never outdone in generosity!)

Maybe this situation in which you find yourself, where you're stressed about school work and worried it will detract from your weekend, is a little opportunity to start flexing those trust-muscles :)

Give Him your weekend. He will give you the time you need... and then all you have to do is the best you can with the time you've got for the love of God!

I hope you have a beautiful, fruitful and restful weekend :)

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Blessings for a fruitful Come and See.  Drop your worries and expectations at the door and enter with a heart open to all God has in store for you .

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The Come & See was at one of the Mission Houses of this order, and it was in an urban area. Registration was 3pm, and I got there at 3:15pm (due to traffic) and could not find anyone. All the doors were locked, and no one answered when I knocked. I had no phone number to call, other than the VD's office building and couldn't remember her extension number. I sat in the parking lot until 4pm, and fortunately my parents live in the area so I'm spending the night there. I called the VD when I got to my parents house (and internet) and left her a kind message letting her know what happened.

I'm bummed, confused, and just plain worn out. Please continue to lift me up in prayer.

(sorry, started typing and it posted the first one on accident)

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Update: Got a call from the VD this morning. She was calling to make sure I was ok, and where I was. (She didn't get the message I left on her office phone). I explained what happened, and she told me that you have to really beat on their doors for them to hear. So said she was so sorry, and let me know about another retreat they have at the Motherhouse in May. By the end of our conversation we both agreed that it was Divine Providence that I was not supposed to be there this weekend. She also said that we should keep the lines of communitcation open, to which I agreed.

I was very touched at how she made sure to let me know they didn't just forget about me, and how wonderful she was in contining to help me with my discernment.. I am actually very at peace about the whole thing, now that I've had time to take it in. I really needed time away from school, and the Lord knew this was the only way I was going to leave muncie. Thank you everyone for your prayers!

Edited by Kayte Postle
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Continued prayers. Its so beautiful that you are seeing God's Will through this. I hope you do throughout your discernment. Please say a prayer for me also. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

After the missed Come & See, the VD has invited me to come to the Motherhouse, and I unfortunately knew I could not afford a plane ticket out there (and my rents would not help). Since then the VD for this community and I have been playing phone/email tag for several weeks now. She finally got ahold me today and informed me that a parishoner from my home diocese had offered to cover the cost of my ticket out there for May! God is so Good!! (i may have cried...a little)


I'd been a bit down in the dumps after the Come & See, and was giving up on discerning religious life. It seemed that during my discernment all I was getting were closed doors. God and His timing are perfect though, and I feel ashamed on giving up on Him so quickly. Praises be to God, who never give up on me. =)

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