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Swat Raids On Ordinary People


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Neither is Saddam Hussein. I suppose he's preferable to Obama simply because he's not him?


What we have here is a case of a SWAT team coming in with full battle-gear on, claiming they are there to "check for guns", and then show that they are really there under the Government's orders to save the Government's backside. If that doesn't show people the corruption of the government, I don't know what will.



yes, a corpse would be preferable to Obama.  the corpse would do nothing, hence an improvement.

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I have a hard time caring about someone being "not Obama" as long as he is still a statist shill.



everyone is a statist shill who is running for office.  you can't be an anarchist and run for office.  so essentially, the best Canadian bishop could run for office and you would dislike him because according to you he would be a statist shill.

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everyone is a statist shill who is running for office.  you can't be an anarchist and run for office.  so essentially, the best Canadian bishop could run for office and you would dislike him because according to you he would be a statist shill.

You are catching on.

If a Canadian bishop ran for office there would be very serious canonical issues.

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You are catching on.

If a Canadian bishop ran for office there would be very serious canonical issues.



even if it was allowed, like it used to be, you would still be against it.  he could be the most pro life candidate and who could actually make positive change but that's not important.  whats important is he supports no government.  that way change can never really happen.  although why change anything when one can be high and mighty and talk of principles.

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even if it was allowed, like it used to be, you would still be against it.  he could be the most pro life candidate and who could actually make positive change but that's not important.  whats important is he supports no government.  that way change can never really happen.  although why change anything when one can be high and mighty and talk of principles.

Very interesting. Well, while we are at it, do you mind also elucidating for me what my opinions are on the following issues?


  • The current status and ideal future status of the Roman Liturgy
  • The future role of China in the context of the global economy and social structures
  • The state of the Church in China with particular reference to the underground vs. the State sanctioned Church
  • The role of firearms in my own life in coming years, with particular reference to concealed carry and training
  • Whether or not I should take up the clarinet again, now that I am fairly out of practice
  • If Serial Experiments Lain is really one of my favourite shows, or if I just think I like it because I do not really understand what is going on
  • Whether or not technological advancement in coming millennia will eventually lead to a post-economic society
  • Whatever other issues I cannot call to mind right now, but you probably are well aware of.

You know, since you apparently know my personal opinions on issues, even better than I know them myself.



Otherwise, do you mind cutting me a break? You have been extremely rude to me in several threads, and it is starting to get old.

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Very interesting. Well, while we are at it, do you mind also elucidating for me what my opinions are on the following issues?


  • The current status and ideal future status of the Roman Liturgy
  • The future role of China in the context of the global economy and social structures
  • The state of the Church in China with particular reference to the underground vs. the State sanctioned Church
  • The role of firearms in my own life in coming years, with particular reference to concealed carry and training
  • Whether or not I should take up the clarinet again, now that I am fairly out of practice
  • If Serial Experiments Lain is really one of my favourite shows, or if I just think I like it because I do not really understand what is going on
  • Whether or not technological advancement in coming millennia will eventually lead to a post-economic society
  • Whatever other issues I cannot call to mind right now, but you probably are well aware of.

You know, since you apparently know my personal opinions on issues, even better than I know them myself.



Otherwise, do you mind cutting me a break? You have been extremely rude to me in several threads, and it is starting to get old.



I know you support no government and don't support anyone who runs for office because they are statists(as Winchester says).  I know you support a form of governance that is impractical and not feesable as opposed to trying to actually improve the current system we have.  I know you support a form of government that has no safety net for the poor and a form of government that puts more emphasis on not taking away personal income than helping the poor. 


Just because the truth is harsh does not mean I am being rude.  I am sorry your taking it personally, I will try to lighten my tone.

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I know you support no government and don't support anyone who runs for office because they are statists(as Winchester says).  I know you support a form of governance that is impractical and not feesable as opposed to trying to actually improve the current system we have.  I know you support a form of government that has no safety net for the poor and a form of government that puts more emphasis on not taking away personal income than helping the poor. 


Just because the truth is harsh does not mean I am being rude.  I am sorry your taking it personally, I will try to lighten my tone.

You do not know nearly as much as you think you know. Let me know when you are interested in communicating on some kind of common level.

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You do not know nearly as much as you think you know. Let me know when you are interested in communicating on some kind of common level.



Edited by havok579257
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So because people can't be trusted, it's not feasible to have them govern themselves, but it is feasible to have people govern people.



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I for one love this topic. It showcases my trolling abilities.


 You are the best troll ever, i didn't even realise your a troll(trouble maker) and i'm not joking,seriously i didn't realise, you must be sneaky as hell ( no pun intended.) Or do you mean trawling abilities / fishing skillz.


And obama is pro abortion right, do any of you know if there are any party leaders in either of your houses that are pro life?


And swat should never use excessive force unless excessive force is required ie: in the middle of a battle. I can't click on the site sorry i'm paranoid as at present but from what i can discern from what your all saying they used excessive force right ? And then what is excessive force, if you don't answer the door or are not at home and they batter your door down unsure if that's excessive force if your suspected of something. Perhaps with supposed ordinary people the police force needs professional lock smiths who can open a door without smashing it down if your not home.

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