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Gospel According To Rome

Brother Adam

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Brother Adam

Flyfree Ministries is about to pick up on 2 major projects

The first will be a project to give response to James McCarthy's "The Gospel According to Rome" and answer his objections to Catholicism. It will be quite an undertaking.

The second is to start preparing material that will becomea packet of information for non-Catholics to use when seaking to learn about Catholicism.

As far as the first, does anyone know if this already exists in book form somewhere? I'd love to have a solid Catholic book specifically in response to this book.

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He carries me

that sounds like a great task, and i'm glad that you are stepping up to work on it!! good luck and i'll pray for your success!

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I know of two apologetics sites taking up the same project (keep me posted on your progress-- my youth minister's good friend just recently got married: her husband converted to the Church to marry her, then made her promise to read that book, and now she's not so sure she wants to be Catholic anymore... but what a crummy thing to do-- convert just so someone will marry you! She made him promise his intentions were pure in converting.. and he lied :sadder: )

Sorry for the ramble, but my YM has been looking for any and all good informational sources to refute that book, as she is now reading it to figure out a way to help her friend (and her friend's husband)

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Oh, duh! :P Forgot to include the sites, in case you hadn't seen them and wanted to check them out:



Hope that helps a bit.

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Brother Adam

Yeah, I saw both of those "in progress" I'm thinking we need a whole new dedicated site to refute the book that will bring these two sites together, all to work on the project. How awesome would that be. Maybe I'll reserve a domain name

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Brother Adam

BTW- I'm not the least bit convinced by what I've read so far. What little he has to stand on, he stands on the grounds of Solo scriptura and sola fide- which are incredibly weak themselves. He doesn't do much in the way of proving either. His is truly an epistle of straw.

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Yeah, that's what I heard. My youth minister (well, really she's just a friend now since I'm too old for YG) had me e-mail her some of the apologetics sites I had bookmarked from when I was looking into the Catholic faith and her friend said she'd get to them "when she had time"-- it's really crazy that she fell for McCarthy's book hook, line, and sinker! But if she could see that the book can be refuted, she might change her mind--which is why I think she's still talking with my YM; however, she and her husband are currently "church hopping" through some protestant churches.

But yeah, a new site refuting his claims against the Church would be GREAT! Especially since it seems these sites so far aren't getting updated all that quickly.

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Brother Adam


I've emailed the webmasters of those sites. And have started a page for the project.

Edited by Brother Adam
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:o I just went on Amazon to check this book out. The name sounded familiar, so I clicked on it, and found out that James McCarthy was co-author of a book I'd read earlier this year, [i]Letters Between a Catholic and an Evangelical[/i].


[url="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0736909893/ref=cm_cr_dp_2_1/102-4551913-2118538?v=glance&s=books&vi=customer-reviews&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER"]Letters Between a Catholic and an Evangelical[/url]

I had been frustrated in that book by the way McCarthy seemed not to be listening to what the priest was actually saying. I will say, though, that the book was quite useful in that it made clear to me the very different lens through which the Catholic church views EVERYTHING. I started to understand how Catholics could possibly be looking at salvation, the Pope, Mary, and other "controversial" topics the way that they do. It was great.

That said, I'm not sure if I'll be reading [i]Gospel According to Rome[/i]. The Amazon reviews say it's more polemical than the other. The book I read said Mr. McCarthy was a former Catholic...the things he says about the Church make me wonder if he was properly catechized. :(

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