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My Abortion Page

MC Just

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Ummmm . . . isn't that Mc Just's real name? I thought that's what he told me his name was. Or have I been calling him by the wrong name all this time?

BTW, dUSt, if you're implying that we should only call Mc Just Mc Just, I don't recall seeing a rule that says we may only address all our performers by their stage names! :lol:

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You mean McJust isn't his real name and your not really dave with all the numbers after your name????? :blink: You have other names???? <_<

:D :D :D

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Thomas Michael

inDouche, Ars. That's pretty sickening. I gotta question the use of gross-out tactics like bloody-fetus pictures to get the pro-life message across. If we're supposed to be on the moral high road, we shouldn't have to stoop to the level of Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie to influence others.

At least this isn't going out in front of any Planned Parenthood clinic - I hope not, anyway. I'm very pro-life, but few things get me more infuriated than pro-life demonstrators putting a picture of an aborted cut-up dead baby on display to the public, where a young child can see it and be mentally scarred for life. We should know better than that. It IS possible to get the point across about the evils of abortion without having to resort to shock tactics similar to "Faces Of Death".

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My gifts to you for that wonderful website are three devoutly and fervently prayed Hail Mary's, sound and CATHOLIC, guaranteed to help your website in some way, money back guaranteed!!! ( :blink::blink::blink::huh::huh::huh: )

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that was a great page on abortion Just.....

and i think that pictures are the answer, and our key to ending abortion, its what reveals the evil that abortion is. if ppl knew but most importantly saw more ppl will realize that abortion Does murder the innocent baby. yes, its horrific but so is abortion and we must do our best to not hide the fact that abortion is murder....ppl refuse to see what they are truly doing, or they deny that they are killing a baby, fooling themselves (or even being lied to) that its all just a glob of tissue or cells, with pictures of abortion, they know the truth......

America will never hate and know the evils of abortion, until they open their eyes and see what abortion really is.....and no one is going to do that but us who are fighting for the unborn....

those pictures are just a snapshot of what happens everyday in abortion clinics....and abortion will never be a "pretty picture" its plain sick, but theres no other way around it....

God BLess!


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Thomas Michael

  littleflower said:
that was a great page on abortion Just.....

and i think that pictures are the answer, and our key to ending abortion, its what reveals the evil that abortion is. if ppl knew but most importantly saw more ppl will realize that abortion Does murder the innocent baby. yes, its horrific but so is abortion and we must do our best to not hide the fact that abortion is murder....ppl refuse to see what they are truly doing, or they deny that they are killing a baby, fooling themselves (or even being lied to) that its all just a glob of tissue or cells, with pictures of abortion, they know the truth......

America will never hate and know the evils of abortion, until they open their eyes and see what abortion  really is.....and no one is going to do that but us who are fighting for the unborn....

those pictures are just a snapshot of what happens everyday in abortion clinics....and abortion will never be a "pretty picture" its plain sick, but theres no other way around it....

So, using that logic, it would be okay to protest the murder of an adult by showing in public pictures of the victim's blood-soaked corpse and the manner in which the person was killed?

What if the news story was a woman who, in a mindless drug-induced stupor, hacked her newborn baby to death? Would showing a photo of THAT be appropriate?

You wouldn't protest the act of masturbation by showing pictures of naked men fondling their genitals, would you? This is no different.

Gore is gore, people. It has no place at all in our society, even if the intention is to raise everyone's awareness to the evils of our world. Resorting to Marilyn-Manson-style shock tactics is no way for decent Christian people to defend morality or the unborn. Show some respect for the dead.

I apologize to anyone who is offended by the graphic nature of my post. But I did it to make a point.

Edited by Thomas Michael
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okay i didnt' mean out in the street with no respect, in fact i agree with you

my point was that many people dont realize what abortion is, thats why pictures are so effective....

that website called "silent scream" i think does a good job on doing that and thus they are very effective and are making a difference.....

just like slavery, ppl didn't know until literature and "uncle tom's cabin" brought to light what actually slavery was, ppl were horrified and made it illegal....

we can win this same battle if we bring out the truth of abortion


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