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Miracle Research


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Does anyone know if there are places on the internet (vatican website maybe) or anywhere (actual vatican maybe) where they hold scientific documents with references? It actually doesn't even have to be Vatican but anyplace with scientific references. I'd like to study more thouroghly claims of miracles, incorruptibles, eucharistic etc. That way maybe I can email and perhaps some day go find some doubting Thomases, people who did not believe until they saw the hard facts, and go from there.

Miracles such as these:


and rebuttals such as these:

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William Putnam

So far as I know, none of the miracles that you have described, including incorruption, has ever been formally approved by the Church. Most of the time, the Church remains silent unless the alleged miracle is a fraud or is otherwise proven to be false. Another spectacular miracle often enquired about is the miracle of the liquifaction of the blood of St. Januarius. The good Catholics of Naples, Italy certainly believe it, including, I suppose, the archbishop, but again, the Church has never ruled one way or the other, but in this case, is quite dubious of this one, science just may find a natural cause of the phenomenon.

The closest thing the Church does is rule upon the validity of miracles of healing, such as we find at Lourdes. Also, in the causes for the beatification of a saint-candidate, who must have at least two "approved"miracles that proves that the saint is in heaven. In all of these cases, a miracle healing is what is investigated and ultimately approved. Mind you, of the thousands of reports submitted, only a tiny few "made the grade."

I have done some searching for the archives of the matertial you are requesting, but have not found any documentation. Perhaps an enquiry at the commission at lourdes who investigates reported miracles? Perhaps, but I have never attempted to contact them. Perhaps you can...

For what it was worth...

God bless,



[i]I believe in God,
the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son,
Our Lord;
who was conceived by the holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died,
and was buried.

He descended into hell;
the third day He arose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
sitteth at the right hand of God,
the Father almighty;
from thence He shall come to judge
the living and the dead.

I believe in the holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.


- [b]The Apostles Creed[/b] -

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WElcome to Phatmass William. :)
There is a check-in thread on open mic if you want to introduce yourself.

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[color=red][b]Edited by Foundsheep[/b][/color]
Quid quid Latino dictum sit, altum videtur

Edited by foundsheep
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[quote name='Bruce S' date='Jun 5 2004, 01:30 PM'] [color=red][b]Edited by Foundsheep[/b][/color]
Quid quid Latino dictum sit, altum videtur [/quote]
I love foundsheep :D

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I didnt get it :( lol... I'm probably gunna start myself a reputation of being the "confused phatmasser". ^_^

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That's a pretty detailed investigation.

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That's some pretty detailed stuff.. awesome! Thanx :)

How did you find that Hananiah? I hope it wasn't as simple as looking in google cuz I didn't do that for this miracle cuz I have in the past for others and didn't find anything. I was just using this for an example. Maybe I'm not searching right if it was in google. I use either "" or no "", and I use the - sign to limit the query, and I use the * between words to fill in multiple acceptible variations for words.

Edited by megamattman1
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my bad, that was so easy :cyclops:

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