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Here is a somewhat low key website for ya'll to test your material on.I think it's from Ohio State University, maybe not, but it at least has affliations there. So I can go to the meetings and talk with these guys if you want me to ask anything of em.


I don't see how they could claim to be objective. If they can bicker among themselves, it goes to show they aren't objective. At least some acknowledge that they don't claim to be objective for the most part because they haven't thought it through to defend "I am an objectivist". It seems if they thought it through much, they almost "objectively" have to say that they can never be objectivists. All they can really say is they think for themselves and impartially, but so not objectivists. There's gotta be a better word if that's what they're going for.

I don't see how anyone can claim to be objectivists unless they are Catholic. But even then, if you're not God, I might venture to say no statement is truly objective and the only hope you can have to achieve it is acquired by faith. ie what I mean by this is you can acknowlege that you have faith... some may argue that if you have faith, then you KNOW you're objective.. I suppose if you guys wanna bicker, this would be a good point! :ph34r:

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These guys are amateurs in philosophy, at best. I've responded a few times to some of their more offensive mistakes in logic. Blah.

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Yea I live in Columbus.. and I too bleed scarlet and gray! I only make that distinction cuz there's some who live here yet do not. And even some that live here and bleed yellow and blue (or maize or sumthin technically) Don't know where Hilliard is though I've heard of it many a times. Does you sister go to OSU?

Edit: a little slouthing will go a long way! :cyclops: I go to the Newman Center and Holy Name which is right next to where I live which is right beside the circle with the 315 on it.


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ob•jec•tiv•ism P Pronunciation Key ( b-j k t -v z m)

1.Philosophy. One of several doctrines holding that all reality is objective and external to the mind and that knowledge is reliably based on observed objects and events.

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