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I Would (not) Make A Good Nun Because

Julie de Sales

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Ummm..........just a thought.  Although this could be a fun exercise, I would suggest an modicum of caution.  Why, you ask? As we've all seen, many vocation directresses frequent the Phorum either as active members or as lurkers.  It would be unfortunate if one took this seemingly innocuous exercise seriously and matched up responses to specific discerners.  Better you should search your heart for reasons why you think you would make a good sister or nun.  Just my 5 cents.

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Ummm..........just a thought.  Although this could be a fun exercise, I would suggest an modicum of caution.  Why, you ask? As we've all seen, many vocation directresses frequent the Phorum either as active members or as lurkers.  It would be unfortunate if one took this seemingly innocuous exercise seriously and matched up responses to specific discerners.  Better you should search your heart for reasons why you think you would make a good sister or nun.  Just my 5 cents.


Dolla dolla. ;)



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I am afraid I disagree......


We are all human and if we can't occasionally be a little lighthearted and poke a bit of fun at ourselves, then woe betide any vocation we may think we have , and any VD would know that, and surely take this thread in the spirit it was meant......any VD worth their salt would say a sense of humour and the ability to NOT take oneself too seriously, are essentials in the RL.

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I would not make a good sister/Nun-
I dont come from a large Catholic family
I wasn't raised in a Catholic environment (except when I stayed with my G-ma)I
I was baptized but not confirmed.
I was never exposed to any religious sisters/Nuns while growing up (my town had 3 convents back in the day 1950's -60's)
I never went to Catholic schools
I never participated in any religious after school youth programs (except Sunday school in a non Catholic Church in their basement a few times)
My father was raised in a Catholic children's orphanage in Seattle (from 2 days of age, until he was three) that was started by Mother Cabrini. He was a altar boy in the late 1930's early 40's but never progressed beyond that.. Therefor never encouraged me to explore a religious vocation
My German Lutheran mother didn't have a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefor I didn't reap any positive encouragement from her.:(

Excuse me.. I just got a phone call from my father's nursing home..he just passed away.. I'll finish this later

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Excuse me.. I just got a phone call from my father's nursing home..he just passed away.. I'll finish this later


Lord have mercy. Memory eternal.

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I would make a good nun because


- I love to pray

- I can easily handle a busy day starting at 5:00-ish AM til around 10:00 at night

- I have a good sense of humor (who am I kidding? I laugh at everything!)

- I'm not attatched to that much stuff, so that vow of poverty wouldn't be too hard

- They wouldn't have to teach me how to use the Divine Office books


I would not make a good nun because


- I have a really hot temper during certain parts of the month *ahem*

- I laugh at everything

- If I find something really funny, I laugh at it for a little longer than I should

- I'm a total derp


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I would make a good nun because


- I love to pray

- I can easily handle a busy day starting at 5:00-ish AM til around 10:00 at night

- I have a good sense of humor (who am I kidding? I laugh at everything!)

- I'm not attatched to that much stuff, so that vow of poverty wouldn't be too hard

- They wouldn't have to teach me how to use the Divine Office books


I would not make a good nun because


- I have a really hot temper during certain parts of the month *ahem*

- I laugh at everything

- If I find something really funny, I laugh at it for a little longer than I should

- I'm a total derp



What's a "derp"?

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I would not make a good nun because when I find something hilarious, I have a big booming laugh that carries in every direction :hehe: :hehe2: rotfl

OHMYGOSH!! Me too though, and my family does not refrain from informing me!

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I would not make a good sister because:

-I'm really attached to my friends at home, I can talk to them a lot

-I'm better at communicating through writing

-I am tough on the outside but soft on the inside

-I am easily distracted and it's hard for me to sit/stand still for a long time

-I have a terrible problem with humility (Heck, if I didn't, I would have thought of it first!)

I would make a good sister because:

-Jesus is my favorite person ever, and He has shown me His desire to be my spouse

-There are no men who could fulfill my desires

-I feel most at home in an Adoration chapel

-I'm the youngest of 7 kids, used to coping with very different personalities

-Most of the time I know when to shut up

-Crafts and jobs come easily to me

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would make a good nun because


I love to pray,

I love the silence,

I love the simple life of prayer and work,

I love the structure

I love living in community and helping others.

I can take criticism very well and it helps actually with the virtue of humility.


I would not make a good nun (well I am going to be a nun but I guess this is if I wasn't being called.) because


I love sleeping in,

I love music, and the movies Lord of the Rings,

I am very BAD at singing!!!

I daydream way to much!

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I would make a good nun because I care deeply about all sorts of things.





I would not make a good nun because I care deeply about all sorts of things.

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