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I Would (not) Make A Good Nun Because

Julie de Sales

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I would not make a good nun because:


I am a day-dreamer, with a mind that never sits still but wanders the universe.

I have a tendency to be hermit-like, days can go by without need or desire for companionship.

I am spontaneous, adhering to a schedule is difficult for me.


I would make a good nun:

because comtemplation, solitude and prayer comes easily to me.

I have no problem with doing without questioning.


Have you considered eremetic life? Look at this schedule: http://english.bethleem.org/la_vie_de_chaque_jour.php


Congratulations, arfink: I think you were the only person to mention a true impediment! ;-)


I would make a good (eremetic) nun because:

Solitude invigorates me.

The longer I spend in prayer, the more alive I feel.

No sound is more beautiful to me than silence.


I would make an awful (eremitic) nun because:

I would sleep all day and stay up all night.

If all my postulant/novice work periods were cleaning, I'm pretty sure my back would give out.

If all my postulant/novice work periods were creative, I'm pretty sure I'd daydream half the periods away and be late for every bell.


No caffeine addiction here. I don't drink the stuff! Although, when I was at the Visitation Monastery, they woke up so early and got to bed so late that I found myself stumbling the stairs before first prayer to chug a few cups just to make it through. If I'm drinking caffeine, you know it's bad!


BTW: Good idea for a thread, JDS!

Edited by curiousing
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Spem in alium

I would not make a good nun because my normal breakfast time is at 5:30/6 AM, and if I don't eat my stomach growls all throughout morning prayer and Mass! I'm sure there are others :)

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Kayte Postle

I would not make a good nun because...


-I'm a serious night owl, 4am is a typical bedtime for me.

-The lack of Mt Dew in my system would cause my sisters to lock me* in a closet for extended periods of time
-My singing  voice has been compared to Scuttle the seagull from Little Mermaid


Whoops I forgot the second part!

I would make a good nun/sister because...


-I thrive within a structured environment

-I can take constructive criticism very well, and I actually encourage it (one of the perks of art school)

-my natural "role" is to act as the servant to others

-I love learning new things


The first one could be fixed IF you would consider the ministry of the Servants of Mary, Ministers of the Sick... some sisters work a reverse schedule.... and they stay up all night caring for the sick in their own homes.  I bet they could even handle the Mt. Dew addiction.....  ;)


I have looked at them! Not quite sure if I want to visit them or not, but hey I'm pretty early in my discernment so who knows? :)

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I would make a good nun -


because I pretty much know the LOTH by heart (sung and spoken!)

because I enjoy times of absolute quiet and solitude as well as needing time to be with others.

because I enjoy routine and a highly structured environment.

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I would make a good Nun because;

I can sing well (but not first thing in the morning).

I want to help the Lord save souls.


I would not make a good Nun because.

How long have you got? I'm a rotten sinner, pretty rough material and I just don't deserve the grace of being a religious.









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hmm, I don't think I'd make a good nun because my motorbike wouldn't fit in my cell.


...it follows me everywhere, you know...

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Not: because I have a need to eat cake fairly frequently otherwise my delicate organism goes radically out of kilter.

And, because I find it extremely difficult to be polite if someone is not a good cook.......

And, because in my extreme wisdom I can always come up with a MUCH better way of doing things :hehe2: .


However, I would be a wonderful nun because in spite of all of the above, Jesus loves me to distraction!

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I would not make a good nun because when I find something hilarious, I have a big booming laugh that carries in every direction :hehe: :hehe2: rotfl

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I would not make a good nun, because I would need to have a sex change and I am pretty sure the Roman Curia would not be all that happy with such a decision.

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- feel I am called to create something outside of a cloister.

- need medication.

- think being in a cloister would make for good comedy material. Maybe if I work on my delivery, I can get a mic in LA or NY...

- hate meditation, unless I am driving.

- listen to primarily secular music

- don't know how well I would function well without internet before bed or when I can't sleep.

- can be self-conscious dancing.

- can't imagine getting past 50 and not having a spouse or children in my life



- cook experiments.

- have very eclectic taste in music.


Fixed. No, I don't enjoy medication while driving. :)

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Julie de Sales

I would not make a good nun because I always get lost in a monastery and I'm constantly entering in other sisters cells in trying to find my room

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I would make a good nun:

I am quiet

I am introspective

I am friendly, get along well with others

I love to help people

I am a compassionate person


I would not make a good nun:

I am not Catholic

I am married

I would get lonely

I am not sure I could live with so many women, lol

I hate housework

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