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Mass With Sisters Of Life?

Kylie Spinelli

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Kylie Spinelli

Does anyone know what kind of Mass (TLM or NO) the Sisters of Life celebrate? Have any of you gone to visit/discerned with them?


Thanks! God bless!!



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NO with Latin parts such as "Agnus Dei" and sometimes the Pater. All the times I've gone, they omit the "sign of peace." They don't hold hands during the Pater, at least at their own chapel. They receive on the tongue, standing. 


When I was just beginning contact with them, Sr. said they "occasionally, but not often" celebrate the TLM.


I'm in application, pray for me. :)

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Kylie Spinelli

YES! That's exactly what I'm looking for! ^_^

I'll definitely pray for you! I have to wait until at least July to visit but I really really love them. SOL was my first order that I fell in love with and it has a very specail place in my heart. :)

Thank you so much!!! God bless!!!

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I'm going up in December again and I'll be sure to pray for you in their chapel, and especially if they take us to the crypt of John Cardinal O'Connor again. Best wishes!

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