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Benedict Critiques Francis


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i don't know much about doctine but i do know that if a holy priest blesses a cross pendant it becomes a holy pendant same with a car. Don't the orthodox still bless things? A holy priest can bless just about anyhting that is made from earthly substances, even bibles due to the fact there made from paper, not that he is increasing or decreasing from the holy word of GOD. Holy Roman Catholic rocks, ughh.

It is strange to me but I think you are taking the beach ball stuff seriously.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

It is strange to me but I think you are taking the beach ball stuff seriously.



Sure why not? I think papa fracois should attack the many prophecies in the church next that some,half or many get into at one stage or antoher. Our Lord said " there will be many false prophets after me." the good Lord didn't say all of course but you best be sure you have the gift of discerning spirits if your get into it. I honestly think the holy roman catholic church is slowly being renewed in such things.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Sure why not?

When I watched the video I saw nothing that would indicate that he was intending to bless the beach ball. He just placed it on the altar.

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Moved to the extraordinary form? Do you know that for decades it was popularly believed the so called "extraordinary form" was abolished, and anyone who celebrated it a schismatic, or even worse a heretic? Anyway, you have an exaggerated view of the papacy, there is no making you understand the destruction that has happened to the Roman Church.


Nope, for the church to be "destroyed" we would of had to have a false Pope and I see no evenence of that.


And yes, things change. In the 1600's going to Communion once a week would of been considered scandalous. (never-mind Daily receiving).  People, even monks and religious sisters, were deeply discouraged from receiving more than twice a year.  They attended Mass, yet they did not receive.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Apotheoun was being facetious



I don't know what that word facetious means, sounds seductive.

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I don't know what that word facetious means, sounds seductive.



you have the internet.  Use it. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/facetious




fa·ce·tious  adjective \fÉ™-ˈsÄ“-shÉ™s\

—used to describe speech that is meant to be funny but that is usually regarded as annoying, silly, or not proper

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Apotheoun was being facetious

I guess I just find it odd that a person would try to construct a whole scenario to justify a strange action, and turn it into some kind of sacred event.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I guess I just find it odd that a person would try to construct a whole scenario to justify a strange action, and turn it into some kind of sacred event.



If i was a priest i would be taking heaps of the lays stuff to the alter to place it, bless it and pray over it, at least sometimes, and return it to them. :) sounds like a heaps powerful blessings. I would like do it at mid night just to be tough. Pope francis should have done it at midnight so no one saw him, but then perhaps he does anyway, you wouldn't know though would you because it's at mid night.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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I guess I just find it odd that a person would try to construct a whole scenario to justify a strange action, and turn it into some kind of sacred event.


It was rather odd

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

sneak a camera into the vatican after midnight and i bet they get up to all kinds of hectic holy stuff.

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