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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I do not know what he was doing. He just placed the beach ball on the altar, and then went and prayed and left the ball on the altar. He didn't do any "service" of blessing on it, so I have no idea what his intention was, but it is in the past. I am sure the ball has long since been deflated and probably thrown away.



you think it was thrown away? there is purpose in this event, i doubt it was thrown away. Do you think so little of the holy roman catholic church?

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I laughed at that Apotheoun! Of course the beach ball is gone, it's just the principle of the matter. Beach ball offering? C'mon

I don't disagree with what you are saying. My Orthodox friends who saw that were stunned by what happened. But it is done, and it cannot be undone, so I have moved on.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I laughed at that Apotheoun! Of course the beach ball is gone, it's just the principle of the matter. Beach ball offering? C'mon



Your the one posting the old picture of piety, i think there is more to it then a simple gesture, the vatican of the holy roman catholic church has more substance then that.

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you think it was thrown away? there is purpose in this event, i doubt it was thrown away. Do you think so little of the holy roman catholic church?

It is just a plastic beach ball, and so yes, I think it has probably been thrown out. After all, it was not some kind of sacred relic discovered in Brazil and brought to Rome.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

It is just a plastic beach ball, and so yes, I think it has probably been thrown out. After all, it was not some kind of sacred relic discovered in Brazil and brought to Rome.


go in peace. Tab is onto you now, i don't wan't to disturb you apotheoun :) as i have seemed to everyone else. But what is peace when you have faith,hope and love right?

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Tab, I am not upset with you or anyone else. I do think that the focus on the beach ball is inane. It is in the past.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The beach ball is more a symbol than anything else



The paschal mystery symbol is just a symbol too, unsure what you think symbolic is to the church. The beach ball has to have meaning, otherwise it has no symbolism.

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Even when I was Roman Catholic I did not care what language was used for the mass. In fact, the differences between the "Ordinary Form" and the "Extraordinary Form" concern the content of the missals and not the language. After all, the normative text of the "Ordinary Form" is in Latin. The problem as I see it is one of substance, and when the prayers (even in the original Latin language) are compared, the newer missal is less rich in its theological and poetical content, while presenting the "faith" in a way that reflects the opinions of the members of the committee that wrote it. The older Roman Missal represents the historic understanding of the faith passed on, at first orally, and later in written form, within the Roman Church. That historical aspect is what connects the generation of today to those that preceded it. 


Still, it's written and given....historical or not, this is what we currently have and what is currently considered the normative.


It's a smug told you so grin, and it's horrible.


If that grin disturbs you, I'm going to take a guess either you are on something or your brain has been so damaged by said substances you are seeing into it something that it's not.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye




If that grin disturbs you, I'm going to take a guess either you are on something or your brain has been so damaged by said substances you are seeing into it something that it's not.



How sure are you that your brain has not been more damaged by the t.v. ? and or movie screens.


<edit> don't step to me with the drug and alcohol thing please.

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Herein is the problem, most Catholics don't care. If the Pope told you to smash Tabernacles you'd probably do the same. I think Catholics in America and Western Europe developed a habit of blind, military like obedience. If the faith is damaged, your obedience is not required.


Seriously?  You're comparing following what the church has proclaimed to sacrilege and looting?


We are called to obedience to the church by Jesus.   You know that whole "Lead my sheep" thing?  Until there is ample evidence that we are following a false pope, I'm going to trust his word.

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Still, it's written and given....historical or not, this is what we currently have and what is currently considered the normative.

Yes, it was written by a group of scholars who had an agenda. The historic liturgy is given, the modern liturgy is an artificial creation.

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Seriously?  You're comparing following what the church has proclaimed to sacrilege and looting?


We are called to obedience to the church by Jesus.   You know that whole "Lead my sheep" thing?  Until there is ample evidence that we are following a false pope, I'm going to trust his word.


I'm not making that comparison, what I'm saying is your obedience is so skewed that if the Pope ordered you to destroy tabernacles, you would probably do it.

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