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Mater Redemptoris -house Of Formation For Discerning A Vocation


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Just found this in our local arch. newspaper.  Thought some of you might be interested.


Mater Redemptoris House of Formation - Seeking God's Will for Life


"Mater Redemptoris House of Formation exists to assist young Catholic women to discern their vocation in life; to form them in Christian prayer and in the understanding of the consecrated life; and to educate youth about the vocation to the consecrated life."


*  Weekend retreats         *  Live-in opportunities       *  Spiritual mentoring       *  Vocation visits      *high school visits


*  information on over 300 religious orders


3730 East Ave., South

PO Box 4004

LaCrosse, WI  54601





Edited by Francis Clare
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I see the cutoff is age 30... Nevertheless, good for those yunguns who just need some time to think.


Where did you see that? I've always seen the cut-off as 25, although I know a couple girls who lived there and one of them told me they will make exceptions. This is for the long term live-in aspiracy I mean, http://www.materredemptoris.blogspot.com/p/aspirancy.html (not necessary to be discerning with them, btw)

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Where did you see that? I've always seen the cut-off as 25, although I know a couple girls who lived there and one of them told me they will make exceptions. This is for the long term live-in aspiracy I mean, http://www.materredemptoris.blogspot.com/p/aspirancy.html (not necessary to be discerning with them, btw)


For the Aspirancy, yes, the cutoff is 25. I was looking at the Adult program: http://www.materredemptoris.blogspot.com/p/adult-discernment-retreat.html


You'd think, if it's for adults... :idontknow:

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I see the cutoff is age 30... Nevertheless, good for those yunguns who just need some time to think.



Where did you see that? I've always seen the cut-off as 25, although I know a couple girls who lived there and one of them told me they will make exceptions. This is for the long term live-in aspiracy I mean, http://www.materredemptoris.blogspot.com/p/aspirancy.html (not necessary to be discerning with them, btw)



For the Aspirancy, yes, the cutoff is 25. I was looking at the Adult program: http://www.materredemptoris.blogspot.com/p/adult-discernment-retreat.html


You'd think, if it's for adults... :idontknow:



I have a few thoughts about this.  


First thought; I would think that part of the reason that they are limiting the live-in aspirants to 25 and younger is because that group as a group needs what they will learn in that house.  The lessons of living on their own, and self knowledge, as well as the learning how to pray and vocational discernment piece.

AND..... Second thought; When I was active in a "young adult group for people in their 20's, 30's and 40's" we were told emphatically by the 20-something group that they did NOT want to come to our meetings because we were 'too old' --they didn't WANT to be with the 30's and 40's -- they wanted a group that was JUST their 'young adult' age group - 18-25.   So.... it's possible that the decision to make that change came from those living in the house.....


And a few other thoughts about age.... as a Secular Order formation director, I do think people of all ages are formable into a vocation.  I currently have a 79 year old woman in formation with two women in their fifties and one young guy of 25.   It might be different if we were all living together in a religious community... but yes, the ages CAN get along.  But their life experience is VERY different.   Does this mean the formation they need different?  Yes, VERY.  


In my experience, for the Seculars, the older ones have an easier time of easing into the Secular Order vocation.  They have tons of living and years of prayer behind them.  A lot of them struggle with the academic part (either because they NEVER have done it or because they haven't done it in a LONG while), but they have the rest of their experience that they can use to integrate the new stuff we are giving them.  And I think this is why so many on here get frustrated when they see the cut off ages in 30's and maybe 40's -- they FEEL they could do the vocation.... and in that sense, they are probably right.


The younger people are equally enthusiastic, but not as clear on either who they are or what life is like outside of academia.  They don't have the real world piece under their belts yet.   But they might find living in a radically different environment not as much of a stretch -- they wouldn't have 10-20-30 years of secular living to unlearn.  If the predominant culture in a community is 50+ (as it often is in many communities today) someone in their 20's seems odd... but likewise, if the predominant culture is 20-30, someone in their 50's will seem odd.  Because they are not 'typical' of the group.  Can they make it, yes... but it will be a stretch.  And sometimes that stretch IS easier for a younger person.


Of my 4 candidates, ALL of them are fantastic candidates, and I think each of them will probably go on through profession.   And they are all working together well to become good Secular Order members.... they younger ones helping the older with their studies, and the older ones adding a wisdom and integration reality check for the younger ones.  So far so good.  BUT would they live well together in a vocation promotion household?  I rather doubt it.


Soooo..... I guess I can understand the reason for limiting the age in THAT house... but why not set up a comparable place for people 30 or 35-50?   THAT is the real question....

Edited by AnneLine
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I agree AL, the needs in discerning will vary based on age. I definitely know myself better than I did when I was 18 (I'm now in my early 20s) but there is still more for me to learn.My needs as a discerner are very much different now then they were then. 

I think they may also be focusing on this age group because it is a time of transition, transitioning between highschool and college, and college and life after college. I  think places like this give young women some space and time to really just discern and feel like they have to go to college or get a job right away.


Hmm this might be something to keep in mind for the future but for right now I am committed to a volunteer position until Jan 31st 2015. Afterwards we will have to see!

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I just wanted to give a bit of background on the House. (I am the current Director.) 


It started as a formation house for high school girls. Over time, we have moved the live-in program to young adults. The formation focuses on those areas that are necessary for those seeking to enter religious life: human virtues, foundations of community life and a solid, even introduction to theology and prayer. It is suitable for young adults, but not for mature women.


The other programs, particularly the spiritual mentoring program and the discernment retreats are open to discerners who are more mature - we offer two-to-three day discernment retreats for women, and have found these to be most effective for their stage of life. Spiritual mentoring is intended to help women to grow in their prayer life and to find their particular vocation. Most of those who take part in all of our programs are under thirty-five, although we occassionally meet with older women. Since this targets those who are seeking their state in life, it tends to look to younger women. 


I hope that this helps to clarify the questions. Please feel free to contact us if you have specific questions.


God bless,


Sister M. Luka, FSGM

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Thank you, Sister, for the expansion and clarification of the missions of the House.  I simply posted the text of your advertisement I saw in the Herald (Archdiocese of Milwaukee paper), but had no other knowledge to pass on to the Phorum.

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Thank you, Sister, for clarifying that... what you are doing makes a GREAT deal of sense.


We will pray for all in your formation programs... and for all your sisters in formation as well!


Feel free to post in threads as seems appropriate to you -- Phatmass VS people are open to discerners, people coming inand going out, formation directors, non-religious people who want to support vocations... all of us make up this little community!

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Another idea for those looking for some time to discern is to look into live in volunteer positions. I'm going to be doing one this coming year and just from the 5 days I spent there I know it will really help me in my discernment. The group I am with is a Catholic group so community (staff) prayer is built in.

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