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Black Sheep.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

May the peace of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus be with you all.


So i was thinking upon what a priest told me, he said " a black sheep is not a black sheep if the black sheep doesn't wan't to be a black sheep."( and he wasn't talking about skin color.) I took this as a heart of the matter type of thing but after lots of examination i think there is more to it then that. I was thinking some may get caught into the trap of thinking something like ' well i'm a black sheep i will never be anything more and i was probably born a black sheep anyway.' This would be the wrong way to think even though Jesus forgives us for things including thoughts but sitting and excepting that thought or being could turn someone into a goat<aghast> and we don't wan't that for any sheepy right? I think a black sheep should desire to be a white sheep one day as should a grey sheep desire to be a white sheep one day, even if that day isn't untill heaven we must persist on this earth till we die in the hope of holyness. Anyhow i won't say anymore, these are just some of my thought's, if anyone want's to talk about this more i would love to in faith with hope. And i guess if one finds one is a bit of a goat, one must cry out to the LORD to be made into a sheep. 



God bless.

Onward christian souls.



Jesus " and the goats will be cast to the left in the fire that doesn't burn out." ( i know there not Jesus exact words, i can't remember his exact words sorry, but there words to that effect.)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

If your a black sheep bang it in the confessional, even if it's for years of the same ol same ol. Reconciliation which i like to call recon, recon as in the army term because the priest is like a scout with a scope and plugs the monkey off yo back, BIZZANG!


Confession is being called the forgotten sacrament, i pray the Lord resurrects it, the church teaches that we must go at least once a year preferably around easter tide if we are only going once a year. I guess some with grace have conquered all mortal sins in there life and i know the eucharist covers venials then confess your venials once a year i guess, i may be wrong this is why i need to discuss these things with you guys.  :)



Onward christian souls.

Jesus iz LORD.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

or perhaps habitual venials border line mortal or perhaps are mortal, like foul language including saying things like damn it, perhaps, i don't know exactly. Anyway i have been led to believe that Habitual venials can be taken to the confessional, and then the grey sheep becomes the white sheep :) Hopefully with grace in Faith and Love. Please give me your thoughts on the matter peeps, and any actual church or biblical doctrine on the matter.

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The grace obtained in confession helps in overcoming venial sins, so even when not strictly obligatory it is still highly praiseworthy. 

I try to go every 2-3 weeks.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The grace obtained in confession helps in overcoming venial sins, so even when not strictly obligatory it is still highly praiseworthy. 

I try to go every 2-3 weeks.



I respect that. :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Thanks Nihil Obstat. A priest gave me great hope when he said that some saints even with grace had stopped even venial sins in there life. Me for now am a black sheep still struggling with mortal sins hoping to be a grey sheep with only venial sins hoping to be a white sheep totally free of sin, though i guess still with that scar of original sin but not a gaping wound anymore. :)

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You're talking about psyco-somatic issues vs physical ones.


First-Black sheep was undesirable because it couldn't be dyed, thus had far less value than a white sheep.  Sheep are expensive, testy creatures, and farmer's profit margins were minuscule, so a sheep that's wool was of less value truly was nearly useless.


Second-the feeling that one is a black sheep it also know as the "victim mentality" this seems to be what the priest was trying to relay.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You're talking about psyco-somatic issues vs physical ones.


First-Black sheep was undesirable because it couldn't be dyed, thus had far less value than a white sheep.  Sheep are expensive, testy creatures, and farmer's profit margins were minuscule, so a sheep that's wool was of less value truly was nearly useless.


Second-the feeling that one is a black sheep it also know as the "victim mentality" this seems to be what the priest was trying to relay.



I respect everything you said except "victim mentality", black sheep in my book has nothing to do with victim mentality, it has to do with dirt or sin and having little to no control over your sins, though desiring to change and become a white sheep/free of sin. That's my understanding of black sheep anyway  :) Though perhaps the black sheep can feel victimised over having little to no control over there sins, so if that's what you mean by victim mentality then perhaps that is part of it, i thought you were talking about a mentality of that others are to blame for ones predicament.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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I respect everything you said except "victim mentality", black sheep in my book has nothing to do with victim mentality, it has to do with dirt or sin and having little to no control over your sins, though desiring to change and become a white sheep/free of sin. That's my understanding of black sheep anyway  :)


Tab, "having no control over your sins"  IS "victim mentality"

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Tab, "having no control over your sins"  IS "victim mentality"



Do you go to confession at least once a year?

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I dont, but in my favour, I dont go around questioning the faith of everyone here who answers my questions or tries to help me.


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Do you go to confession at least once a year?


Besides the deeply personal nature of that question making it ridiculous to answer, I will play along.  Yes, I do go to confession at least once a year.  It is required of every Catholic in good standing.

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